25/11 2015
LTS-compatible versions released
New versions of main FluidTYPO3 extensions have been released introducing LTS support.
Good news, everyone!
We've released new versions of all main extensions, each one compatible with TYPO3 LTS:
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 vhs blob changelog.md external-link-new-window>VHS 2.4
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 flux blob changelog.md external-link-new-window>Flux 7.3
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 fluidcontent blob changelog.md external-link-new-window>Fluidcontent 4.4
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 fluidpages blob changelog.md external-link-new-window>Fluidpages 3.4
In addition we've also released new versions of our utility and beta extensions:
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 fluidcontent_core commits external-link-new-window>FluidcontentCore 1.4
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 fluidbackend commits external-link-new-window>Fluidbackend 1.1
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 builder commits development external-link-new-window>Builder 1.1
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 site commits external-link-new-window>Site 1.6
- <link https: github.com fluidtypo3 schemaker commits external-link-new-window>Schemaker 3.1
Which in other words means we've released new LTS-compatible versions of every active FluidTYPO3 package. Click the links above to read either change logs or commit history for the versions in question. Overall you should get a smoother experience with FluidTYPO3 on TYPO3 LTS than any previous TYPO3 versions. We hope you enjoy!
Code sprint and sponsors
In other news we are happy to have had the very first official FluidTYPO3 code sprint in the beginning of November to prepare the releases mentioned above - and would like to thank the agencies who sponsored the event:
- <link https: www.1drop.de external-link-new-window>Onedrop Solutions not only took care of all the organising but also sent no less than five employees at different times to help out.
- <link https: www.cs2.ch external-link-new-window>CS2 AG helped us cover a huge portion of the sprint costs - and in the past have also helped out with manpower.
- <link http: typo3.org external-link-new-window>The TYPO3 Association helped out through our allocated budget.
- <link http: phorax.com external-link-new-window>Phorax Web Solutions sponsored dinner.
- <link https: dreipunktnull.com external-link-new-window>Dreipunktnull also sponsored dinner.
In particular we thank Onedrop Solutions and CS2 AG for the tremendous support!
Seacrest out,
The FluidTYPO3 Team