Another update for today: Flux, Fluid Pages and Fluid Content have all been updated, Fluid Pages now supports inheritance of page variables and Flux has inline field support on 6.0.
Another one today:
Flux has been updated to version 5.2.0 and now features support for the "inline" type field when running on TYPO3 6.0. A ViewHelper has been added which allows extraction of FlexForm values from any record/table/uid combination - and the basis for variable inheritance (based on parent field names, i.e. page tree style) has been added.
Fluid Pages has been updated to 1.2.0 and now exploits the variable inheritance feature in Flux to enable true, incremental inheritance of page settings.
And Fluid Content 2.2.1 has been released, which fixes a few minor irritation bugs and adds localisation labels.
PS: fluidpages_bootstrap has been updated as well and now contains the template used on the front page and other pages of this site - the one with the huge jumbotron display.