Gist title Gist summary

Migration, flux:field.file to inline FAL

Content, Pages, Forms


Upgrade wizard class to convert instances of flux:field.file which is now deprecated on TYPO3 9.5 and removed on TYPO3 10.4, to instances of inline FAL relations.

Alphabetic Index


FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

Lists all subpages of selected entry pages, sorted in alphabetical order.

FAL Image placeholder until first saving with display conditions


FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent

Hides FAL forms until first saving and displays a message.

Side navigation menu


FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Vhs, FluidTYPO3.FluidcontentCore

Let the Backenduser just put in a startpage for the navigation as a content element. For when reskinning sitemap is to cumbersome.

Chunked iteration of lists

Content, ViewHelpers


Wrap or group elements with less code than ever.

One-page template with dynamic sections



Realize dynamic colPos based sections with custom configurations like background-color using flux.

This is especially useful if you want to build a "one-pager".

Google Maps with Flux/Fluidcontent

Content, ViewHelpers

FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

Implementation of Google Maps with one or more markers. When having multiple markers, the bounds are fit to them.

A marker can have a title (is shown as marker tooltipp and in info window), a text (is shown in info window), an icon (standard, chooseable or uploadable).

More configuration options are: Zoom level, map center, map type

Output current year in copyright line

Content, ViewHelpers


Output the current year in copyright line

SQL to rename a TYPO3 Provider Extension

Content, Pages, Provider

FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages

If you are in the need for a one liner to migrate all EXT:fluidpages based page layouts and EXT:fluidcontent based fluid content elements because the provider extension has got a new name (for whatever reason) use these SQL commands

Simple language switcher

Content, Pages, ViewHelpers


Useful if you have two languages in your typo3 project and want to switch between them.

1. Get current language id with v:page.language

2. Create link to same page and a GET Param e.g. "&L=1" for the other language

EXT:ke_search fluidcontent Indexer



This adds a new indexer configuration type to the ke_search extension.

With this configuration fluidcontent elements can be indexed.

Using allowedContentTypes for Fluidcontent


FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages

This is an example to show how you could specify a fluidcontent element as only allowedContentType

Workaround content_fallback with VHS

Content, Pages

FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

If you want to use `content_fallback` you will notice that `v:content.render` doesn't work here in older versions of VHS.


The gist shows a quick workaround how you can achieve this nevertheless.

TypoScript based Flux settings for plugins



This snippets shows you A how to define flux settings via TypoScript for your frontend plugin and B how to use the controllerAction ViewHelper in such a scenario.

HTML5 data attribute with JSON data


FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

As the title says. Builds the html Object like: id="#s1043" data-test="{"myVarName":"1"}"


Here output was quoted but jquery read it without problems and it's validating.

Fluidcontent - Two columns FCE



Code for creating a FCE for displaying content in two flexible width columns.

Allow/deny Fluid Content FCE's in columns



This will help you to "allow" or "deny" a FluidContent FCE in a flux:grid.column.

The gist will only allow the FCE "HeaderSlideshow.html" in Header-Colum (colPos=1) and not in Content-Colum (colPos=0).

Recursive page menu using VHS


FluidTYPO3.Vhs, FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages

Example for creating a menu with in a recursive way. Just set a start page and the whole tree gets rendered.

CSC: HTML wrapper for specific fluidcontent type


If you use css_styled_content and need to override the default container for a content element of type fluidcontent_content, you can achieve this using tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap.cObject. This Gist goes one stage further and compares the name of the actual Fluid template being implemented to allow a more specific wrapper.

Switch detail view based on news item's category



How to treat news detail view different for a all subcategories of a specific root category (this example only works for two levels of categories). It shows how to use v:switch, v:variable.typoscript and v:iterator ViewHelpers.

Manual browse menus (two-button navigation)

Pages, ViewHelpers

FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

Rendering a browse menu with prev/next which detects first and last page. (2 Buttons only)

Reusable FlexForms / Use FlexForms from Partials

Content, Pages, Forms

FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages

If you want to split long FlexForm definitions into multiple partials and use them in other templates, here is the way to go!

Manual rendering of page menus

Pages, ViewHelpers

FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

How to manually render page menus or treat specific page uids different from others in a menu

VHS Twitter Bootstrap mega menu with images



Site header with Twitter Bootstrap "MegaMenu". Navigation rendered with VHS and Fluid as MegaMenu with image shown if it exist. If no image resource exists standard rendering of sub pages is used.

Set page meta-tags - contains FAL example

Pages, ViewHelpers

FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

This section defines all metatags which are used to have defined in a website. It also contains the most relevant OG-Tags for facebook. It can also be used as an example how to read FAL images related to a page record. Here it is used as og:image.

Gallery FCE as example how to use FAL images

Content, ViewHelpers

FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

This Gallery FCE is a example how to use FAL images in Flux Content Elements.

Using Flux annotations to generate TCA



A small example of two domain model classes connected with an MM table, with all TCA required to operate the table in TYPO3 generated by Flux by using annotations on the PHP class doc comments.

Usage of v:or for multiple conditions



Shows how to use the v:or ViewHelper instead of multiple f:if conditions to select the first value that is not empty and use or output it. Explains how the ViewHelper can be used together with f:if (and any other condition ViewHelper) or as an alternative to it.

Manual rendering of VHS menus

Pages, ViewHelpers

FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

Shows how to manually loop and render pages using instead of the built-in rendering which can only be affected in key aspects like class names. Includes a demonstration and small explanation of special properties which are added to each page's data, containing a pre-built link, link text and link tag CSS class name.

Subclassing Flux Form to create new Form types

Forms, Provider


Example of how to create a simple subclass of \FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form and utilise the initializeObject method to create new fields upon Form instance creation. Also includes an example on how to use a Provider to return different Form instances based on arbitrary values.