Public beta version of FCC (EXT:fluidcontent_core) is available on TER. And a small video has been made to demonstrate how to install a TYPO3 site with FCC, Fluidpages and Fluidcontent.
The FluidcontentCore extension has been released as a public beta that you can download from TER. Although finished for the most part, we still wait for input and/or contributions regarding the "Media" content type.
To get the extension simply update your TER repository and search for "fluidcontent_core". Don't forget: FluidcontentCore is not compatible with css_styled_content so remove that extension first!
I've prepared a small video which shows how you can install a Fluid Powered TYPO3 site, how you can create a "site templates" extension (Provider Extension) and how you can edit your site's templates through the backend - which is nice if you're used to an integrator role. We do still recommend that you use a proper editor and version control. Everything is done through the browser which means you can also do this on services such as Launchr which lets you install a clean TYPO3 site with a few clicks, and using any pre-installed TYPO3 6.2(.5 or above) site.
<iframe src="//" width="653" height="367" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
Fluid Powered TYPO3 From Scratch from Claus Due on Vimeo.