Contains new extension upgrade script to change colPos value.
As the previous news post states, the colPos value of Flux has now been changed. In connection with this, Flux 6.0.3 has been released on TER in order to prepare current users of Flux 6.0.2 for a smoother upgrade once Flux 7.0.0 is released - and to prevent possible problems for users attempting a 6.2 upgrade using TYPO3 6.2 beta6 or later.
As soon as you have downloaded the update make sure you execute the upgrade script for Flux - this will convert your existing content elements to use the new colPos in one go.
In addition an important performance improvement has been included - one that means you must use the install tool's update wizard to update your DB schema. Once updated you should experience a performance boost especially on sites using many nested content elements - and in both backend and frontend.
Kind regards,
The team