12/02 2012
Git master updated (REVISED)
Here is what you need to do to get compatible if you need to use the Git master before the migration script is ready. REVISED: added much more specific instructions on migrating and a note about new integration options.
Important: The extension "flux" is now a dependency. Install it from Git when you update your FED Git clone next!
Bringing your templates up-to-date is fairly simple but unfortunately requires each template that uses either fed:fce, fed:page or fed:flexform ViewHelpers. To make your templates compatible with the current Git master, these points must be taken care of:
- Add the Flux namespace: {namespace flux=Tx_Flux_ViewHelpers}
- Replace any fed:page, fed:fce and fed:flexform occurrences with flux:flexform. This means that fed:flexform is replaced by flux:flexform, fed:fce is replaced by flux:flexform and finally, fed:page is replaced by flux:flexform
- Any FlexForm Field ViewHelper (i.e. any fed:fce.field, fed:page.field and fed:flexform.field must be replaced by the corresponding flux:flexform.field ViewHelper.
- Replace any fed:flexform.group, fed:page.group and fed:fce.group occurrences with flux:flexform.sheet
- Replace any fed:fce.content with flux:flexform.content
- Replace any fed:fce.renderContent with flux:flexform.renderContent. NB: this does not include fed:page.renderContent - this ViewHelper is completely unaffected!
- If your template uses a Preview section and has nested content elements, add a <flux:widget.grid /> in your Preview section.
- If your template does not have a Preview section - add one (and the <flux:widget.grid /> of course).
- For nice display in the new content wizard add a "description" attribute to your flux:flexform ViewHelper tag - it will be displayed underneath the "label" value.
- Finally, after updating all SQL tables through Extension Manager perform this manual SQL query: UPDATE tt_content SET tx_flux_column = tx_fed_fcecontentarea
Note: ViewHelper arguments are compatible; only "description" on flux:flexform was added.
This procedure must be done on all Fluid Content Element and Fluid Page template files. When you are done with this you will be ready and compatible for the up-coming 4.7 release.
When you have done this you may want to have a look at Tx_Flux_Core's register* methods and the Tx_Flux_Provider_*ConfigurationProvider objects - you can subclass these and register them to provide all the configuration needed to apply the Fluid FlexForm principles to your own extensions as described in the <link internal-link internal link in current>Flux Feature Sneak Preview ;)