IRC logs


Logs from channel #fedext on freenode - our official support channel.

IRC log range: 20140506*


  • 08:02:13 <jlumpe> morning o>
  • 09:11:34 <bjo3rn> morning y'all
  • 09:20:15 <Bomwollen> hi guys
  • 09:23:58 <Bomwollen> i am experiencing something really weired with fluidcontent, and I hope I am right in this chatroom. Lets say I have 2 languages, german/english configurated , i already have a german conent element , when I edit this content element to create an english reference "English New" within editing mode, the english content element is referenced to the german language view in the backend. It is...
  • 09:24:00 <Bomwollen> ...also shown in the german language in the frontend
  • 09:24:56 <bjo3rn> Bomwollen which versions are you using?
  • 09:25:53 <bjo3rn> there have been some fixes re i18n issues in the current dev branch
  • 09:26:10 <Bomwollen> i am using typo3 6.2 and have updated the extensions flux, fluidpages, fluidcontent to the master-branch version
  • 09:26:14 <gencha1> morning
  • 09:26:56 <Bomwollen> bjp3rn i hope i explained my problem in a clear way
  • 09:27:05 <bjo3rn> yes, this is known
  • 09:27:32 <Bomwollen> i understand, so you would recommend me to download the dev branch?
  • 09:27:37 <bjo3rn> master-branch is in sync with current ter version. you should go for the dev branch.
  • 09:27:48 <bjo3rn> the thing is: there are some bc breaks
  • 09:28:08 <gencha1> can some explain to me why SimpleResponsiveImage and the underlying ImageViewHelper always scale images to the given size, unconditionally of their current dimensions? i faintly remember a maxWidth and minWidth attribute, but that doesn't seem to exist anymore
  • 09:28:29 <bjo3rn> oh wait, strike that Bomwollen
  • 09:28:46 <bjo3rn> you should be fine switching to dev branch
  • 09:29:15 <Bomwollen> ok bjo3rn, i ll try that
  • 09:29:28 <bjo3rn> gencha1 SimpleResponsiveImage? where is that?
  • 09:29:54 <gencha1> bjo3rn:
  • 09:30:06 <bjo3rn> ah, that's a question for randomresult
  • 09:30:33 * bjo3rn pokes randomresult with a stick looking for lifesigns
  • 09:30:44 <gencha1> from what i can tell, it just passes the selected image into an f:image
  • 09:31:08 <gencha1> and that seems to only have a width attribute now and always scales to the given size
  • 09:31:47 <gencha1> i somewhat expected that it would only scale down and rely on the browser for upscaling if needed
  • 09:32:14 <jlumpe> gencha: I'm curious why you don't just use css for being responsive?
  • 09:32:26 <jlumpe> bandwidth issues?
  • 09:32:46 <gencha1> i do use CSS, but some of the images i'm dealing with are huge, so i want them to be scaled down at least a bit
  • 09:32:49 <bjo3rn> at a first glance I'd say you set the maximum with to the largest expected size and scale with css
  • 09:33:02 <jlumpe> well why don't just use a normal image helper then?
  • 09:33:08 <gencha1> like, i first scale them down from 5000x5000 to 500x500, then do the rest via CSS
  • 09:33:10 <jlumpe> bjo3rn++
  • 09:33:22 <jlumpe> gencha: you only need f:image for that
  • 09:33:26 <bjo3rn> true that
  • 09:33:30 <gencha1> but if the input image is only 100x100, no need to upscale it to 500x500 and waste the bandwidth
  • 09:33:47 <bjo3rn> well, I once did a viewhelper for picturefilljs which made some more sense imho
  • 09:34:13 <gencha1> jlumpe: yeah, i get that. i was messing with it directly in a new template, but f:image complains about non-existing minWidth and maxWidth attributes
  • 09:35:04 <gencha1> i just figured someone would have more insights if i mention SimpleResponsiveImage. since that labels the width attribute with "max width" in the UI
  • 09:35:33 <gencha1> well, i guess that is technically correct, but it also means "min width" at the same time :P
  • 09:35:56 <jlumpe> haha
  • 09:36:21 <mrboe> @gencha1 the field "Max. Width" sets the with of the image
  • 09:36:34 <bjo3rn> ehm, current fluid code says: {f:image(src: 'EXT:viewhelpertest/Resources/Public/typo3_logo.png', alt: 'alt text', minWidth: 30, maxWidth: 40)}
  • 09:36:34 <jlumpe> gencha
  • 09:36:36 <jlumpe>
  • 09:36:39 <mrboe> so you can scale down the image
  • 09:36:57 <mrboe> but the image has an responsive css
  • 09:37:05 <jlumpe> the docs there state that you can actually use min/max width
  • 09:37:14 <gencha1> jlumpe: i was looking at that earlier
  • 09:37:17 <jlumpe> ah
  • 09:37:19 <jlumpe> but that doesn't work?
  • 09:37:27 <gencha1> but TYPO3 throws an error if i use the attributes
  • 09:37:49 <gencha1> mrboe: scaling down works great. i just would like images not to be scaled up needlessly
  • 09:38:16 <jlumpe> gencha:
  • 09:38:24 <bjo3rn> hm, minWidth and maxWidth are definitlely there.
  • 09:38:36 <jlumpe> yeah, they are
  • 09:38:43 <bjo3rn> (strike one l in definitely)
  • 09:40:21 <gencha1> i saw them on the render(), but i imagined they would have to be registered as well
  • 09:40:41 <gencha1> let me double check my code, i might have messed something up earlier
  • 09:42:58 <gencha1> a-ha. i also put it on the v:media.image that is used for the be preview. and it doesn't work there. it works fine on the f:image
  • 09:43:02 <gencha1> thanks for the help! :)
  • 09:43:11 <jlumpe> ^:)
  • 09:43:42 <xaver__> anybody used eid in 6.2. i tried this dispatcher, but looks like it has some problems with 6.2 and the TSFE lines (german link)
  • 09:45:33 <jlumpe> xaver__: i'm using ajax, but i use a custom page type
  • 09:46:38 <xaver__> yes but its a lot slower and i don't need urls this time. If i need more core functions i also use typenum :)
  • 09:46:57 <jlumpe> ah :)
  • 09:47:16 <jlumpe> yeah right now i do not render on the client side but just append pre-rendered chunks (simple gallery)
  • 09:47:34 <jlumpe> so i utilize the normal control-flow for rendering stuff
  • 09:47:59 <xaver__> its a lot slower and i need only a view DB entries as json string
  • 09:48:02 <xaver__> josn
  • 09:48:03 <jlumpe> yeah
  • 09:48:17 <jlumpe> then the dispatcher will be better
  • 09:48:18 <jlumpe> def.
  • 09:48:29 <Bomwollen> bjo3n one issue seems to be solved, another not. standard content elements are now referenced nicely, but when I have a bootstrap column element with standard content elements inside then the translation still does not work
  • 09:48:31 <xaver__> i also wanted to try fluidwidget and the ajax function
  • 09:49:32 <xaver__> but i think its no eid - i can't find something in Docu about eid
  • 10:21:44 <gencha1> a bit off-topic, but, are any of you aware of an ios related issue when accessing a website on the local network which tries to load css/js from the internet?
  • 10:22:12 <gencha1> i'm currently hosting the site i'm working on on my machine and access it via my lan ip address
  • 10:22:16 <bjo3rn> like what?
  • 10:22:35 <gencha1> works fine on chrome/android, but on ios it starts rendering the site for a split second and then tells me the connection was closed
  • 10:22:55 <bjo3rn> hm, no, never witnessed that
  • 10:23:15 <gencha1> when i remove all external resources from the website, like bootstrap cdn, it loads
  • 10:23:23 <gencha1> as soon as i add the bootstrap cdn, i get the error
  • 10:23:32 <gencha1>
  • 10:23:36 <gencha1> only german error available :P
  • 10:23:54 <bjo3rn> SIM fehlt, that's why :S
  • 10:23:58 <bjo3rn> hehe
  • 10:24:24 <gencha1> doesn't work on one with sim either though ;)
  • 10:24:30 <gencha1> same issue with chrome on ios as well
  • 10:26:39 <bjo3rn> ssl issue maybe?
  • 10:29:14 <mrboe> @gencha1 i think this should help
  • 10:29:15 <mrboe> config.enableContentLengthHeader = 0
  • 10:30:23 <gencha1> bjo3rn: everything is http right now
  • 10:30:27 <gencha1> mrboe: let me try that
  • 10:30:48 <bjo3rn> mrboe's hint should only apply in case you are using vhs assets
  • 10:30:56 <Eumolp> Using T3 V6.2 with latest Versions from TER. Moving from 6.1 I renamed all viewhelpers to the new convention. Page Templates Work korrekt, but my FCEs all fail to render. The Content Wizard gives no FCE-Tab, selecting FluidContent as CE says only: "Fluid Content type: No contenttypes available". No debug output.... clueless...
  • 10:33:09 <gencha1> mrboe: same issue still
  • 10:33:18 <gencha1> bjo3rn: ah, i see
  • 10:46:28 <bjo3rn> Eumolp I assume you cleared all available caches (install tool)?
  • 10:51:57 <Eumolp> @bjo3rn Jepp, even installed EXT:uncache, killed multiple times typo3temp manually. No effect.
  • 11:02:23 <Eumolp> @bj3rn I lost my connection, did I miss something since "uncache"
  • 11:02:42 <bjo3rn> no, not really.
  • 11:03:27 <bjo3rn> with 6.1 you also used older versions of ft3?
  • 11:21:31 <jlumpe> oh btw @ bjo3rn: uncache did weird things to my installtion
  • 11:21:53 <jlumpe> after installing it errors popped up regularly about issues while saving etc.
  • 11:21:58 <jlumpe> and issues with the mysql connection
  • 11:22:01 <jlumpe> is that expected?
  • 11:23:11 <bjo3rn> I don't think that's expected. unfortunately I can't tell as I have never used that ext. iirc it is somewhat obselete for 6.2...?
  • 11:23:24 <jlumpe> oh is it?
  • 11:23:47 <jlumpe> well maybe, since i had more issues with it than without it
  • 11:23:52 <jlumpe> even my ext-manager broke lol
  • 11:24:45 <bjo3rn> it seems it is not obsolete: uncache#6
  • 11:24:46 <FT3BOT> Issue 6: Compatibility to 6.2
  • 11:24:59 <bjo3rn> what are those mysql issues?
  • 11:25:08 <bjo3rn> missing cf_datamap_bla tables?
  • 11:26:11 <gencha1> ugh :P
  • 11:26:19 <bjo3rn> latest master includes that mentioned fix
  • 11:27:13 <bjo3rn> gencha1 what did you do?
  • 11:27:37 <gencha1> Trying to enable fluidbootstraptheme
  • 11:27:45 <gencha1> i just found through
  • 11:27:47 <bjo3rn> ah
  • 11:29:08 <bjo3rn> you can install extensions via cli without version constraints
  • 11:29:40 <bjo3rn> jlumpe can you try current master of uncache?
  • 11:30:14 * bjo3rn likes the title: TYPO3 extension Uncache: Caches? What do you mean, caches...?
  • 11:30:27 <jlumpe> not right now, can do it later though
  • 11:30:47 <bjo3rn> hehe: How does it work? You know what a cache does? This doesn't do that.
  • 11:33:49 <jlumpe> ;)
  • 11:34:05 <bjo3rn> and now for something completely different.
  • 11:46:20 <mrboe> @gencha1 here you can finde some informations about the environment i testet the latest release
  • 11:46:32 <gencha1> about that ios issue from earlier. i've now moved the site to a server available on the internet and everything works fine
  • 11:47:28 <gencha1> mrboe: i don't know why i got that dependency resolution error just now. all extensions worked fine locally. this only happened when i just moved the site to another server
  • 11:48:33 <gencha1> ...and i just copied the ext folder from local to remote
  • 11:49:12 <gencha1> either way, this was primarily a test, to see if it resolves the ios issue
  • 11:55:20 <gencha1> mrboe: i'll definitely check out that link again for the final deployment, to make sure we have a stable setup
  • 12:01:34 <Defos> Hey lads. I am using the v:iterator.random helper, is there a way to make it work in a cached environment?
  • 12:01:58 <BenjaminR> Defos: for sure not :)
  • 12:02:33 <BenjaminR> and ViewHelper is called when the template is rendered
  • 12:02:49 <BenjaminR> because of this you will get different results from your viewhelper when its rendered again
  • 12:02:59 <BenjaminR> so if you cache your template... no render... no change :)
  • 12:06:11 <Defos> @benjaminR: makes sense. any way around it?
  • 12:06:20 <randomresult> Defos / BenjaminR but there is an do-not-cache-me VH ... mrboe used it to display randomcontent
  • 12:06:39 <randomresult> BenjaminR - will you be available tomorow?
  • 12:06:47 <mrboe>
  • 12:06:57 <randomresult> im short in time - and we could talk about the register thing
  • 12:07:07 <randomresult> and.. someone saw NamelessCoder around?
  • 12:07:13 * randomresult should leave
  • 12:07:21 <mrboe> soor that is an old verison
  • 12:07:25 <mrboe> one moment
  • 12:10:53 <mrboe> @Defos
  • 12:11:14 <mrboe> v:render.uncache
  • 12:11:47 <BenjaminR> randomresult: NamelessCoder is ill and i will be available tomorrow
  • 12:11:59 <randomresult> what is ill?
  • 12:12:06 <BenjaminR> krank
  • 12:12:20 <randomresult> what is krank?
  • 12:12:29 * randomresult does not know these words
  • 12:12:40 <randomresult> have heard a new word lately: holiday
  • 12:12:47 <randomresult> dunno what this is
  • 12:12:50 <randomresult> ;)
  • 12:13:21 <bjo3rn> hehe. "selbständig kommt von selbst und ständig"
  • 12:13:48 <BenjaminR> :)
  • 12:13:51 <randomresult> bjo3rn you are right
  • 12:13:52 <BenjaminR> now i got it ^^
  • 12:14:01 <randomresult> BenjaminR is young...
  • 12:14:11 <bjo3rn> lots to learn
  • 12:14:13 <BenjaminR> rr: you have nooo idea!
  • 12:14:13 <bjo3rn> ;)
  • 12:14:25 <randomresult> BenjaminR i have.
  • 12:14:34 <BenjaminR> no no :P
  • 12:14:37 <bjo3rn> randomresult and /me are waldorf and stettner in this channel
  • 12:14:38 <randomresult> you live in holidayland
  • 12:14:53 <mrboe> this is ill >
  • 12:14:56 <randomresult> bjo3rn im still younger
  • 12:15:03 <BenjaminR> you know what? in holidayland only tourists have holiday
  • 12:15:12 <BenjaminR> natives have NEVER holiday
  • 12:15:16 <randomresult> you are not native
  • 12:15:21 <BenjaminR> true thing
  • 12:15:23 <randomresult> only to remind you
  • 12:15:25 <randomresult> :)
  • 12:15:31 <BenjaminR> soon i am
  • 12:15:32 <BenjaminR> :)
  • 12:15:35 <randomresult> ?
  • 12:15:37 <randomresult> no way
  • 12:15:58 <randomresult> you become a schluchtenscheisser?
  • 12:16:09 <BenjaminR> in holidayland that is just a question of money :)
  • 12:16:25 <BenjaminR> a simple and the first thing you have to learn here :D
  • 12:16:34 <randomresult> you will then never win a football-match no more
  • 12:16:39 <BenjaminR> rr: maybe - thinking about it :)
  • 12:16:51 <randomresult> looooser
  • 12:17:48 <BenjaminR> as you may think fit
  • 12:18:42 <bjo3rn> randomresult and bjo3rn:
  • 12:19:05 <randomresult> lol
  • 12:19:18 <Defos> @mrboe / @randomresult: works! thanks a lot :-)
  • 12:19:44 <mrboe>
  • 12:19:55 <bjo3rn> word!
  • 12:20:01 <Defos> using v:media.image in that non-cached VH gave me a white page btw.
  • 12:20:10 <BenjaminR> rr: if you are young (just try to imagine ;) ) you are very soon "your half life in a foreign country"
  • 12:20:25 <BenjaminR> and then it because home :)
  • 12:21:10 <bjo3rn>
  • 12:29:29 <BenjaminR> have to have a look at v:render.uncache what it exactly does
  • 12:52:35 <gencha1> when rendering a menu, is it possible to access properties set for that page through flux? like, i have a string property to set a fontawesome icon for each page, and i would now like to render that icon in the menu
  • 12:53:51 <bjo3rn> gencha1 that icon property is defined via flux/flexform/fluidpages?
  • 12:53:58 <gencha1> bjo3rn: yeah
  • 12:54:10 <bjo3rn> there's a vh for that ^^
  • 12:54:18 <bjo3rn> sec
  • 12:54:19 <gencha1> sweet!
  • 12:55:13 <bjo3rn> there's
  • 12:55:43 <bjo3rn> takes $table, $field, $uid and $record
  • 12:55:56 <bjo3rn> $uid and/or $record
  • 12:56:11 <bjo3rn> and returns the flexform data as an array for that record
  • 12:57:12 <gencha1> ...this is gonna take a while. i'll check it out, thanks :D
  • 12:59:01 <bjo3rn> use it like { "pages", uid: "{uid]") -> v:var.set(name: "flexFormData")} (untested)
  • 13:00:10 <bjo3rn> correction: { "pages", field: "tx_fed_page_flexform", uid: "{uid]") -> v:var.set(name: "flexFormData")} (still untested)
  • 13:01:27 <gencha1> that's a lot of new stuff for me :D
  • 13:02:01 <bjo3rn> you never stop learning :P
  • 13:11:21 <gencha1> something isn't working right. i just get {"pages", field="tx_fed_page_flexform", uid="2") -> v:var.set(name:"flexFormData")} rendered into my page
  • 13:12:35 <gencha1> i'm assuming that's not supposed to happen :D
  • 13:14:29 <gencha1> i must not be using it right. when i use the form < table="pages" field="tx_fed_page_flexform" uid="{menuItem.uid}"></>, i get "Array" rendered into the page. i took that as a good sign
  • 13:14:37 <bjo3rn> then you either missed to add the namespace of flux or vhs
  • 13:14:58 <bjo3rn> that's indeed a good sign
  • 13:15:25 <bjo3rn> you can also add the as="" argument to access the array inside the viewhelper
  • 13:15:26 <gencha1> flux and vhs namespaces are included
  • 13:15:38 <bjo3rn> oh man!
  • 13:15:39 <bjo3rn> sorry.
  • 13:15:48 <bjo3rn> no
  • 13:15:51 <bjo3rn> huh?
  • 13:15:54 <bjo3rn> hehe ^^
  • 13:16:09 <bjo3rn> inline notation uses : instead of =
  • 13:16:15 <bjo3rn> see my example
  • 13:17:17 <gencha1> lol. good catch
  • 13:17:29 <gencha1> works like a charm now. thanks again!
  • 13:17:40 <bjo3rn> I started with 'sorry' bc I thought I did it wrong ^^
  • 13:17:49 <bjo3rn> cool, yw :)
  • 13:23:34 <gencha1> this is really awesome
  • 13:43:55 <hans> hi there
  • 13:43:59 <hans> got a prob!
  • 13:44:30 <hans> i install flux vhs fluid_content / pages and at last fluidcontent_bootstrap
  • 13:44:49 <hans> but where is no tab shown fpr the boots. elements in the backend :-/
  • 13:44:50 <hans> ?
  • 13:45:09 <hans> (when i want to a add new content)
  • 13:45:34 <bjo3rn> hm, someone had the same issue earlier
  • 13:46:02 <bjo3rn> or at least a similar issue
  • 13:47:47 <randomresult> hans did u clear tempfolder?
  • 13:49:44 <hans> yes
  • 13:51:15 <randomresult> cleared cache?
  • 13:51:22 <hans> also
  • 13:51:30 <bjo3rn> 6.2?
  • 13:52:11 <hans> 6.1.8
  • 13:52:29 <gencha1> isn't the fluidbootstraptheme the replacement for fluidcontent_bootstrap?
  • 13:54:03 <hans> i also implement own content types in an extra ext, these are also not shown in a seperate tab :-/
  • 13:54:18 <bjo3rn> flux debug turned on?
  • 13:54:31 <bjo3rn> *switched on
  • 13:54:35 <bjo3rn> ^^
  • 13:56:45 <hans> -> 2
  • 13:56:59 <mrboe> fluidpages_bootstrap and fluidcontent_bootstrap = fluidbootstraptheme
  • 13:57:39 <bjo3rn> a missing fce tab is often some syntactical error in a template
  • 13:57:50 <hans> well i dont need the bootstrap package, i want my own content types, i just installed it to see if the tabs are present there
  • 13:58:07 <bjo3rn> aha!
  • 13:58:22 <hans> syntactical error: how can i debug this
  • 13:58:28 <bjo3rn> you can use builder for that
  • 13:58:32 <hans> there is nothing show by now!
  • 13:58:39 <bjo3rn> but is flux' debug mode set to '2'?
  • 13:58:44 <hans> yes
  • 13:58:54 <bjo3rn> '1' I mean
  • 13:59:01 <bjo3rn> more verbose
  • 14:00:09 <hans> -> 1 now
  • 14:00:20 <hans> the templates are displayed in green
  • 14:00:28 <hans> but no extra tab
  • 14:00:29 <bjo3rn> all of them?
  • 14:00:38 <bjo3rn> rm typo3temp/.FED_CONTENT
  • 14:01:37 <hans> the herounit not!
  • 14:01:47 <bjo3rn> aha
  • 14:02:06 <bjo3rn> so much for hero in that unit ^^
  • 14:02:51 <bjo3rn> ehm, where is it?
  • 14:03:01 * bjo3rn is looking at the templates atm
  • 14:04:03 <hans> well i deinstall the bootstrap package now, i just want my own ones!
  • 14:04:24 <hans> the are dispayed by the debugger but not as a tab to be chossen!
  • 14:04:30 <bjo3rn> you can also try this: add a, say, text element and change it to fluidcontent afterwards.
  • 14:05:06 <bjo3rn> did you explicitly remove .FED_CONTENT?
  • 14:05:23 <bjo3rn> wouldn't be deleted with rm -rf typo3temp/* ofc
  • 14:06:37 <randomresult> wouldnt be deleted means 1 day of search for me... rm -rf * means ALL to me
  • 14:06:55 <bjo3rn> except dotfiles
  • 14:07:48 <hans> sry, working ...
  • 14:09:16 <mrboe> why couldn't the filename be fed.content
  • 14:09:54 <hans> ok not present
  • 14:09:55 <bjo3rn> to not have it deleted with rm -rf
  • 14:09:56 <hans> the file
  • 14:10:06 <bjo3rn> ^^
  • 14:10:30 <bjo3rn> ok hans, which versions of ft3? ter?
  • 14:10:55 <hans> ö sry ?
  • 14:11:14 <randomresult> did u install the ext through extmanager
  • 14:11:15 <randomresult> ?
  • 14:11:19 <bjo3rn> are your fluid* extensions current TER versions or git?
  • 14:11:29 <hans> latest ter
  • 14:12:02 <bjo3rn> ok. did you add many fces?
  • 14:12:17 <hans> just one
  • 14:12:17 <bjo3rn> can you show us one of them?
  • 14:12:24 <bjo3rn> ok, then all please ^^
  • 14:12:29 <randomresult> hehe
  • 14:12:41 <randomresult> @bjo3rn good one
  • 14:13:21 <hans>
  • 14:13:31 <bjo3rn> aha
  • 14:13:34 <bjo3rn> flux:flexform
  • 14:13:39 <bjo3rn> is now flux:form
  • 14:14:01 <randomresult> which typo3 version
  • 14:14:13 <bjo3rn> 6.1.8 (see above) ^^
  • 14:14:17 <bjo3rn> hans see
  • 14:14:51 <bjo3rn> oh, wait. shouldn't be an issue :S
  • 14:15:07 <hans> here is the current page tpl:
  • 14:15:36 <mrboe> @hans i cgreated a FAL gallery if you want to have a look:
  • 14:15:47 <bjo3rn> randomresult do you see any problem with hans' fce? or mrboe?
  • 14:16:01 <bjo3rn> except for the vh naming?
  • 14:16:57 <randomresult> shouldnt the linkfield be inside an input?
  • 14:17:11 <mrboe> the name image is used twice
  • 14:17:19 <mrboe> dont know if that is an problem
  • 14:17:37 <mrboe> object and file uses that
  • 14:18:08 <randomresult> ah... field link is inside a input... formating sucks :)
  • 14:19:23 <randomresult> and i would also use another name for the section
  • 14:19:27 <randomresult> maybe images :)
  • 14:19:42 <randomresult> ähh... objects.. suck. i need coffee
  • 14:19:55 <bjo3rn> randomresult needs his fix
  • 14:20:37 <hans> ok, i have discard my fce and now added the falgallery form mrboe, but it also isnt displayed to be choosen :-/
  • 14:23:54 <mrboe> @hans i dont know but i think you need vhs dev branch to use the FAL viewhelper
  • 14:25:48 <bjo3rn> hans I added a comment to your gist.
  • 14:26:12 <bjo3rn> I updated all vh and flux namespace and now it's working for me
  • 14:26:12 <mrboe> @bjo3rn hans now want to use the FAL version
  • 14:26:40 <bjo3rn> ok, why not
  • 14:28:06 <bjo3rn> those viewhelpers are contained in vhs 1.8.5
  • 14:28:11 <mrboe> anybody know if the "debug" withe page feature is fixed?
  • 14:28:35 <bjo3rn> I added another try of fixing it. it's a pending pr.
  • 14:28:50 <bjo3rn> vhs'564
  • 14:28:54 <bjo3rn> vhs#564
  • 14:28:55 <FT3BOT> Issue 564: [BUGFIX] Don't re-dispatch content-length with active BE sessions
  • 14:29:13 <bjo3rn> worksonmymachine
  • 14:29:27 <bjo3rn> my previous fix did also but not for everyone so ymmv
  • 14:29:45 <bjo3rn> if you can test it that'd be nice
  • 14:31:16 <mrboe> i will test it in the eveneing
  • 14:31:27 <mrboe> had to finish something
  • 14:31:58 * bjo3rn is about to finish some pasta now
  • 14:32:03 <bjo3rn> cya later
  • 14:32:08 <mrboe> cu
  • 14:32:29 <hans> uff, still no tabs :-/
  • 14:33:37 <mrboe> @hans
  • 14:33:47 <mrboe> which extensions do you have installed
  • 14:37:03 <mrboe> only install vhs/fluidcontent/fluidpages/flux
  • 14:37:12 <mrboe> and your own
  • 14:37:19 <hans> vhs 1.8.5 fluid pages engine 3.0.0 fluit content Engine 4.0.0 Flux 7.0.0
  • 14:37:56 <mrboe> nothing else? like bulider uncache or something
  • 14:38:13 <hans> uncache
  • 14:38:16 <hans> not builder
  • 14:38:17 <mrboe> remove
  • 14:38:20 <mrboe> uncache
  • 14:38:46 <mrboe> clear your cache manual one time and check the tabs
  • 14:39:31 <hans> nothing :-/
  • 14:40:28 <hans> i now just have this content tpl:
  • 14:40:47 <hans> the flux debugger is telling it is registrated (in green)
  • 14:41:02 <hans> but i just can´t see the wizardTab="Media"
  • 14:42:17 <hans> "Flux Debug: Flux View FluidTYPO3\Flux\View\ExposedTemplateView is able to read stored configuration from file ...../typo3conf/ext/speciality/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/test.html"
  • 14:44:50 <mrboe> speciality
  • 14:44:53 <mrboe> ??
  • 14:45:01 <mrboe> this is copied from the expamle web
  • 14:45:20 <mrboe> there are so many things changed
  • 14:45:34 <mrboe> i think you sould use a "empty" extension
  • 15:00:06 <hans> hm ok, thx for now, i´ll try an other way (not using the speciality-ext)
  • 15:07:50 <randomresult> maybe you should add another name than media
  • 15:07:52 <mrboe> @hans i think the best way is to use bulder
  • 15:08:08 <mrboe> create your own provider ext
  • 15:08:12 <mrboe> with that
  • 15:09:21 <hans> ok, thx :-)
  • 15:09:33 <hans> i´ll try and come back later more frustrated :-D
  • 15:09:56 <mrboe> or if you need some orientation you can use
  • 15:10:10 <mrboe> and use the
  • 15:10:24 <mrboe> to cusomize the FBT in your way
  • 15:11:45 <hans> ok, i´ll take a look at them!
  • 15:11:54 <hans> thx, for the support (y)
  • 15:11:58 <hans> :-)
  • 15:28:16 <Defos> Is this possible with the VHS if-ViewHelper? <f:if condition="{rootline.1.uid} == 1 || {rootline.1.uid} == 42 || {rootline.1.uid} == 39">
  • 15:28:30 <Defos> the docs don't really tell
  • 15:39:04 <BenjaminR> it is
  • 15:40:31 <bjo3rn> is it?
  • 15:40:49 <bjo3rn> I mean 'or'?
  • 15:42:48 <Defos> yes two pipes -> OR
  • 15:43:05 <bjo3rn> didn't know that this is working in fluid
  • 15:43:10 <Defos> As I see it. if.condition.extend is depricated and v.if vhs 2.0 isnt out yet :-)
  • 15:44:08 <Defos> bjo3rn: what I posted doesnt work in base fluid, that's why I asked for a vhs solution :-)
  • 15:44:18 <bjo3rn> ah, then I get it.
  • 15:44:50 <bjo3rn> there's v:if, yes.
  • 15:45:33 <bjo3rn> unfortunately I have no clue how this is used
  • 15:47:39 <cedricziel> the crypto function ^^
  • 15:48:06 <bjo3rn> something like <v:if stack="{0: 1, 1: '==', 2: '1'}"></v:if>
  • 15:48:16 <cedricziel> yep
  • 15:49:03 <Defos> oh god yes this is the translation: <v:if stack="{0: {0: rootline.1.uid}, 1: '==', 3: {0: '2'}, 4: '||', 5: {0: rootline.1.uid}, 6: '==', 7: {0: '42'}, 8: '||', 9: {0: rootline.1.uid}, 10: '==', 11: {0: '39'}}">
  • 15:49:11 <Defos> my eyes hurt...
  • 15:49:22 * bjo3rn is poking a pen into his eyes
  • 15:52:43 <bjo3rn> not for the faint-hearted
  • 15:56:07 <floxx> what extension do you use for teasing of pages?
  • 15:56:37 <floxx> i tried pw_teaser and built a ft3 teaser element. but pw_teaser cannot access data of this element…
  • 15:56:52 <bjo3rn> vhs
  • 15:56:54 <bjo3rn> ^^
  • 15:57:02 <bjo3rn>
  • 15:58:25 <bjo3rn> floxx?
  • 15:58:34 <floxx> bjo3rn?
  • 15:58:43 <bjo3rn> teasers?
  • 15:59:12 <bjo3rn> pageUid="{uid}" returns page records for that branch
  • 15:59:26 <bjo3rn> should do the trick
  • 15:59:38 <floxx> i need a gui where editors can choose which pages they want to tease
  • 16:00:15 <bjo3rn> that can be achieved with a custom fce
  • 16:00:28 <bjo3rn> when a group item is enough of a gui
  • 16:00:49 <floxx> and they should place a ce on these pages which defines content of the teaser
  • 16:01:03 <bjo3rn> one single ce?
  • 16:01:14 <bjo3rn> or different to choose from
  • 16:01:17 <bjo3rn> for each page
  • 16:02:58 <floxx> one single fce
  • 16:03:23 <bjo3rn> then it's a ce that provides the form and renders the teasers at the same time
  • 16:03:54 <bjo3rn> well, at least that's how I'd do it ;)
  • 16:04:08 <floxx> ok. i'll try that
  • 16:04:28 <floxx> i was too lazy and hope pw_teaser could do that for me ;)
  • 16:04:49 <bjo3rn> the tricky part is the flux part for selecting the pages
  • 16:05:26 <floxx> is there an example on github? perhaps in fluidcontent_bootstrap?
  • 16:06:25 <bjo3rn> don't think so. it will most probably use flux:field.relation
  • 16:08:53 <bjo3rn> or flux:field.tree
  • 16:21:27 <floxx> thanks for your help
  • 16:21:47 <bjo3rn> yw. did you manage it?
  • 16:21:56 <floxx> i'm on the way ;)
  • 16:22:02 <floxx> btw: livefilter on seems to be broken
  • 16:22:30 <floxx> type "meta" -> no results
  • 16:22:31 <floxx> (not related to my question before)
  • 16:22:49 <bjo3rn> here's a hint: <flux:field.tree name="teaserPageUids" table="pages" parentField="pid" expandAll="1" multiple="1" foreignLabel="title" size="10"/>
  • 16:25:02 <floxx> ah great. i used flux:field.relation
  • 16:25:49 <floxx> i your example, multiple selections aren't possible. is that a bug? "multiple" should allow that, correct?
  • 16:26:03 <bjo3rn> I forgot to add maxItems
  • 16:26:19 <bjo3rn> with minItems="1" maxItems="99" it works
  • 16:26:37 <bjo3rn> it returns a CSV string of page uids
  • 16:27:26 <bjo3rn> {teaserPages -> v:iterator.explode() -> v:var.set(name: 'uids')}
  • 16:28:53 <bjo3rn> then use to fetch the page record for each uid
  • 16:35:35 <Guest|58441> hi there
  • 16:35:57 <Guest|58441> i want to render content elements from one column manually (using <f:for>)
  • 16:36:52 <Guest|58441> now i have: <v:content.render column="3" as="sliderElements"><f:for ...><v:render.record record="{sliderElement}" /></f:for></v:content.render>
  • 16:37:34 <Guest|58441> is that the correct way to do it?
  • 16:37:57 <Guest|58441> vhs 1.8.3
  • 16:39:12 <Guest|58441> sorry 1.8.4
  • 16:40:10 <mrboe> hey Guest|58441 if i understand u right - you want to build a FCE wich allows you to create BE Colums to put content in for a slider?
  • 16:40:38 <Guest|58441> oh i think i solved on my own...
  • 16:40:50 <Guest|58441> used the wrong viewhelper (wrong version)
  • 16:41:25 <Guest|58441> but yes you're right :)
  • 16:42:01 <mrboe> i buld one like this:
  • 16:46:20 <Guest|58441> humm
  • 16:46:31 <Guest|58441> ok thx
  • 16:47:41 <mrboe> you can add "BE Colums" inside the Slider - if you safe and leave you can fill them
  • 16:56:44 <floxx> bjo3rn: why did you use v: ? shouldn't i use v:content:render to get teaser elements of selected pages?
  • 16:58:10 <bjo3rn> bc we need raw records to render the teaser
  • 16:58:46 <bjo3rn> plus content.render renders content elements of a page and not pages
  • 16:59:35 <bjo3rn> or did I get you wrong?
  • 17:05:03 <floxx> i used this:
  • 17:06:31 <bjo3rn> ok, I had something different in mind obviously. I thought you wanted teasers of pages and not their content elements.
  • 17:07:08 <bjo3rn> in this case you can omit the inner for loop by removing the as argument
  • 17:07:38 <floxx> ok - but how can i render only elements of a speific fce type?
  • 17:10:36 <bjo3rn> hm .oO
  • 17:10:43 <floxx> on the other hand - editors should not insert other content elements in column 2
  • 17:11:24 <floxx> only a question of definition ;)
  • 17:11:45 <bjo3rn> you can easily differntiate between standard ctypes but fluidcontent fces are all the same.
  • 17:12:09 <floxx> yeah. ok. i will define that. column 2 is only for teasers.
  • 17:12:12 <floxx> thanx again
  • 17:12:25 <bjo3rn> there's also v:content.get which will return raw records
  • 17:12:32 <bjo3rn> yw ;)
  • 18:48:19 <Guest|25612> hi, i want to render a whole column from the backend on every page...can i use v:render.record for this?
  • 19:33:02 <Denyerec> Guest|25612
  • 19:33:11 <Denyerec> Please /nick <yourname>
  • 19:33:19 <Denyerec> Then I can try and help
  • 19:40:20 <Denyerec> hey mikaelik
  • 19:40:22 <Denyerec> Yep
  • 19:40:27 <Denyerec> Makes it easier to track you if you rejoin
  • 19:40:33 <Denyerec> So many Guest1389829930812098321 users
  • 19:40:35 <mikaelik> okay np
  • 19:40:36 <Denyerec> Real pain in the ass :(
  • 19:40:41 <Denyerec> OK so what do you want to achieve ?
  • 19:40:46 <Denyerec> The same sidebar on every page ?
  • 19:41:16 <mikaelik> i just wann render a whole column from a page on all other pages
  • 19:41:22 <mikaelik> jep
  • 19:41:54 <Denyerec> That should be possible
  • 19:41:57 <Denyerec> One sec
  • 19:42:00 <mikaelik> thought i can do this with v:render.record
  • 19:42:37 <Denyerec> There you might need to specify the IDs of all content elements
  • 19:42:40 <Denyerec> rather than just the id of the page
  • 19:43:18 <Denyerec> What you want is:
  • 19:43:52 <Denyerec> <v:content.render column="1" pageUid="X" />
  • 19:44:01 <Denyerec> Swap in the column number and the page UID you need
  • 19:44:13 <Denyerec>
  • 19:44:29 <Denyerec> I woudl recommend using typoscript variables for your magic numbers too
  • 19:44:34 <Denyerec> Just to make them easy to find/change later
  • 19:44:53 <Denyerec> so settings.YourPluginName.sidebarePage = 123
  • 19:44:54 <Denyerec> then
  • 19:45:13 <Denyerec> <v:content.render column="1" pageUid="{settings.YourPLuginName.sidebarPage}" />
  • 19:45:21 <Denyerec> (The first goes in your TS)
  • 19:45:52 <Denyerec> That way if you redeploy the template you can overload that value in the site's TS Setup without needing to modify the extension.
  • 19:49:12 <mikaelik> just tested it and it works perfect, thank you!
  • 19:49:57 <Denyerec> You're welcome
  • 19:50:06 <Denyerec> Grab yourself a proper IRC client (xchat, mirc etc) and idle here.
  • 19:50:11 <Denyerec> THe more the merrier :)
  • 21:31:10 <mikaelik> is the common way to kickstart extensions still the extension_builder in T3 6.2?
  • 21:34:32 <soee> standard T3 extensions ?
  • 21:34:36 <soee> mikaelik: ^
  • 21:36:20 <mikaelik> i wanna extend tx_news
  • 21:37:22 <mikaelik> what do you mean by standard?
  • 21:37:41 <mikaelik> i have not used T3 since V6.0