09:23:58 <Bomwollen> i am experiencing something really weired with fluidcontent, and I hope I am right in this chatroom. Lets say I have 2 languages, german/english configurated , i already have a german conent element , when I edit this content element to create an english reference "English New" within editing mode, the english content element is referenced to the german language view in the backend. It is...
09:24:00 <Bomwollen> ...also shown in the german language in the frontend
09:24:56 <bjo3rn> Bomwollen which versions are you using?
09:25:53 <bjo3rn> there have been some fixes re i18n issues in the current dev branch
09:26:10 <Bomwollen> i am using typo3 6.2 and have updated the extensions flux, fluidpages, fluidcontent to the master-branch version
09:27:32 <Bomwollen> i understand, so you would recommend me to download the dev branch?
09:27:37 <bjo3rn> master-branch is in sync with current ter version. you should go for the dev branch.
09:27:48 <bjo3rn> the thing is: there are some bc breaks
09:28:08 <gencha1> can some explain to me why SimpleResponsiveImage and the underlying ImageViewHelper always scale images to the given size, unconditionally of their current dimensions? i faintly remember a maxWidth and minWidth attribute, but that doesn't seem to exist anymore
09:33:30 <gencha1> but if the input image is only 100x100, no need to upscale it to 500x500 and waste the bandwidth
09:33:47 <bjo3rn> well, I once did a viewhelper for picturefilljs which made some more sense imho
09:34:13 <gencha1> jlumpe: yeah, i get that. i was messing with it directly in a new template, but f:image complains about non-existing minWidth and maxWidth attributes
09:35:04 <gencha1> i just figured someone would have more insights if i mention SimpleResponsiveImage. since that labels the width attribute with "max width" in the UI
09:35:33 <gencha1> well, i guess that is technically correct, but it also means "min width" at the same time :P
09:43:42 <xaver__> anybody used eid in 6.2. i tried this dispatcher, but looks like it has some problems with 6.2 and the TSFE lines http://t3-developer.com/extbase-fluid/cheats-extbase/extbase-allgemein/ajax-dispatcher-eid-in-typo3-61/ (german link)
09:45:33 <jlumpe> xaver__: i'm using ajax, but i use a custom page type
09:46:38 <xaver__> yes but its a lot slower and i don't need urls this time. If i need more core functions i also use typenum :)
09:48:29 <Bomwollen> bjo3n one issue seems to be solved, another not. standard content elements are now referenced nicely, but when I have a bootstrap column element with standard content elements inside then the translation still does not work
09:48:31 <xaver__> i also wanted to try fluidwidget and the ajax function
09:49:32 <xaver__> but i think its no eid - i can't find something in Docu about eid
10:21:44 <gencha1> a bit off-topic, but, are any of you aware of an ios related issue when accessing a website on the local network which tries to load css/js from the internet?
10:22:12 <gencha1> i'm currently hosting the site i'm working on on my machine and access it via my lan ip address
10:22:35 <gencha1> works fine on chrome/android, but on ios it starts rendering the site for a split second and then tells me the connection was closed
10:30:48 <bjo3rn> mrboe's hint should only apply in case you are using vhs assets
10:30:56 <Eumolp> Using T3 V6.2 with latest Versions from TER. Moving from 6.1 I renamed all viewhelpers to the new convention. Page Templates Work korrekt, but my FCEs all fail to render. The Content Wizard gives no FCE-Tab, selecting FluidContent as CE says only: "Fluid Content type: No contenttypes available". No debug output.... clueless...
11:34:05 <bjo3rn> and now for something completely different.
11:46:20 <mrboe> @gencha1 here you can finde some informations about the environment i testet the latest release https://github.com/bootstraptheme-for-typo3/fluidbootstraptheme/releases/tag/v.0.6.0
11:46:32 <gencha1> about that ios issue from earlier. i've now moved the site to a server available on the internet and everything works fine
11:47:28 <gencha1> mrboe: i don't know why i got that dependency resolution error just now. all extensions worked fine locally. this only happened when i just moved the site to another server
11:48:33 <gencha1> ...and i just copied the ext folder from local to remote
11:49:12 <gencha1> either way, this was primarily a test, to see if it resolves the ios issue
11:55:20 <gencha1> mrboe: i'll definitely check out that link again for the final deployment, to make sure we have a stable setup
12:01:34 <Defos> Hey lads. I am using the v:iterator.random helper, is there a way to make it work in a cached environment?
12:29:29 <BenjaminR> have to have a look at v:render.uncache what it exactly does
12:52:35 <gencha1> when rendering a menu, is it possible to access properties set for that page through flux? like, i have a string property to set a fontawesome icon for each page, and i would now like to render that icon in the menu
12:53:51 <bjo3rn> gencha1 that icon property is defined via flux/flexform/fluidpages?
13:11:21 <gencha1> something isn't working right. i just get {flux:form.data(table="pages", field="tx_fed_page_flexform", uid="2") -> v:var.set(name:"flexFormData")} rendered into my page
13:12:35 <gencha1> i'm assuming that's not supposed to happen :D
13:14:29 <gencha1> i must not be using it right. when i use the form <flux:form.data table="pages" field="tx_fed_page_flexform" uid="{menuItem.uid}"></flux:form.data>, i get "Array" rendered into the page. i took that as a good sign
13:14:37 <bjo3rn> then you either missed to add the namespace of flux or vhs
14:40:28 <hans> i now just have this content tpl: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/770bb8e6b2e75dd5dffd
14:40:47 <hans> the flux debugger is telling it is registrated (in green)
14:41:02 <hans> but i just can´t see the wizardTab="Media"
14:42:17 <hans> "Flux Debug: Flux View FluidTYPO3\Flux\View\ExposedTemplateView is able to read stored configuration from file ...../typo3conf/ext/speciality/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/test.html"
15:28:16 <Defos> Is this possible with the VHS if-ViewHelper? <f:if condition="{rootline.1.uid} == 1 || {rootline.1.uid} == 42 || {rootline.1.uid} == 39">