11:06:09 <NamelessCoder> Phillo there was a question about this one or two days ago
11:08:14 <Phillo> i want to select a custom content and/or pages, but without relation between them
11:08:42 <Phillo> i just started to use typo3 1 month ago (personal project)
11:08:53 <Phillo> it is easy to extends flux and create my own field ?
11:10:03 <NamelessCoder> it's not too hard Phillo - one viewhelper class and one component class
11:10:16 <NamelessCoder> sorry I can't find the IRC log place were this was discussed
11:12:10 <Phillo> do you know if there is an exemple or a tutoriel?
11:12:49 <NamelessCoder> basically, 1) copy a flux field viewhelper, 2) create a subclass of FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\AbstractFormField and set "type" to "group" (and add other options if needed). Then from the ViewHelper create a field using $this->getContainer()->createField($entireClassName).
11:12:50 <Phillo> i try to check flux extension, but im lost in it.
15:00:08 <soee> mrboe: twitterbootstrapthem uses defule extension icon (black TYPO3 logo - in Extension Manager), i can propose simple one that will replace this
15:01:42 <randomresult> soee that should be a mistake
15:04:16 <soee> wrr im not talking about custom elements ;D
15:04:26 <soee> mrboe: i want to introduce new icon for this https://github.com/bootstraptheme-for-typo3/fluidbootstraptheme/blob/development/ext_icon.gif
15:05:07 <soee> some simple one so the extension have unique not teh default generated by TYPO3
15:54:42 <Phillo> i created a custom field class taking exemple on relation field
16:37:20 <drlimbo> whats the best way to "set" the page <title> with fluidtypo3? - i'd like to get something like <title>Current Page - Global Title</title>
18:04:20 <drlimbo> if i try to upload a file in t3-filelist i get the error "Referrer host "" and server host "my.domain.tld" did not match!"
23:05:21 <Gruenbaer> Hi. I installed fluidbootstraptheme and am getting this error message: Fatal error: Call to a member function getOption() on a non-object in /html/typo3/typo3conf/ext/fluidbootstraptheme/Classes/Controller/ContentController.php on line 46
23:05:50 <Gruenbaer> Does any of you guys have a hint how to overcome this?
23:06:14 <Gruenbaer> Line 46 says: $useTypoScriptOptionFromForm = $this->provider->getForm($record)->getOption('useTypoScript');