10:41:34 <Guest|19924> now how i can change the position in typo3? i know typo3 sorting alphapetic but how i can say that this content element is the first one?
10:41:56 <Guest|19924> with this: options="{Fluidcontent: {sorting: 100}}"
11:30:54 <drlimbo> i have some RTE-Troubles with Typo3 6.2.5, and im not sure, if this is a fluidtypo3 problem
11:31:12 <drlimbo> the RTE won't load (sometimes) and there is a JS-Error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dialogs' of undefined prototype.js:847"
11:32:16 <Guest|64361> can i create a system category menu like language menu?
11:33:32 <Guest|64361> as document http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ApiOverview/Categories/Index.html, it just render categoried page menu
12:34:17 <ThomasBen> I’m using a flux:field.tree to render a pages tree in my backend flux form. But I can’t get a depth of more than 4 pages …
12:34:34 <ThomasBen> My first action was to install the latest versions of flux (7.1.0), fluidpages (3.1.1), fluidcontent (4.1.0) and vhs (2.1.2), hoping those updates would fix my flux:field.tree depth problem …
12:35:14 <ThomasBen> Now, my pages view doesn’t show my page template <flux:grid.row> configuration : I only see the normal columns mode …
12:35:33 <ThomasBen> Any idea ? I’m using TYPO3 6.2.5. Thank you for your help :)
12:35:59 <NamelessCoder> ThomasBen select "Fluidpages" as backend layout by editing the topmost page in your page tree
12:58:08 <Guest71010> @mrboe: thanks a lot! I disabled backend_layout and backend_layout_next_level since using fluidpages.
13:40:14 <angela27> Hello guys, i am trying to generate a custom page sitemap with extbase but totally stuck on this.
13:40:14 <angela27> Could you please provide some example how this can be done with extbase ?
13:43:07 <NamelessCoder> angela27 VHS page menu can do that if you simply try to render the page tree: https://fluidtypo3.org/library/code-examples.html?tx_fluidshare_display%5Bgist%5D=15&tx_fluidshare_display%5Baction%5D=display&tx_fluidshare_display%5Bcontroller%5D=Gist&cHash=3534a1dfc4e4fdb57c780fd6c8c0e61f - but depending on what you mean by "custom" you may need more (e.g. a custom controller)
13:44:32 <cedricziel> like in a XML sitemap? I'd use a custom extension with the pagerepository and then tie it to a numType
13:48:33 <angela27> thanx @NamelessCoder the problem is i need some logic for filtering the pages - for example i need to generate custom URLs to pages with custom CTypes
13:48:48 <NamelessCoder> yep that's what I thought
13:49:43 <NamelessCoder> <f:section name="PageType128">, <f:section name="PageType0"> etc. and then <f:render section="PageType{pageMenuItem.doktype}">
13:50:02 <NamelessCoder> *which* doktypes are included can be configured in VHS' extension manager settings
13:50:40 <NamelessCoder> if for example a shortcut is then always rendered the same way as a normal page, just <f:render section="PageType0"> from inside your <f:section name="PageType128">
13:51:43 <NamelessCoder> you can also set on v:page.menu the desired doktypes but iirc, they still respect the global EM setting and won't allow doktypes not in that list
13:52:17 <NamelessCoder> btw I think this is possible:
13:53:54 <nimius|thephpjo> may I ask about the status of that weird "additional Elements" bug?
13:53:56 <NamelessCoder> which if I'm right would equal <f:section name="PageType0"><f:link.page pageUid="{pageUid}" /><f:section> (just in case you dislike having a ton of sections
13:54:38 <NamelessCoder> to which issue are you referring nimius|thephpjo ?
13:57:53 <nimius|thephpjo> I am not shure if there is an issue. This happens, only on the live server: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b87h4y06uxrlusx/Screen%20Shot%202014-09-30%20at%2009.09.40.png?dl=0
13:58:56 <NamelessCoder> plugins without a label? neat.
13:59:19 <NamelessCoder> not sure about the cause but there have been changes in 7.1 regarding the new content wizard
13:59:45 <nimius|thephpjo> that was cedrics first guess, but I am on 7.0
14:01:47 <Guest|19924> hello namelesscoder: is it possible to sort page layouts or content elements in fluid / typo3 backend?
14:02:33 <NamelessCoder> Guest|19924 fluidcontent yes; set options="{Fluidcontent: {sorting: 123}}" on the flux:form
14:04:19 <NamelessCoder> at some point yes, it's just not often we get the feature request
14:06:48 <Guest|19924> ok, and what about drag and drop in flux:field.inline.fal? work this?
14:07:07 <Guest|19924> i can not drag and drop if i set enabledControls
14:12:03 <angela27> tnx alot @NamelessCoder will try all this
14:28:04 * NamelessCoder those of you using development branch: the commit just merged fixes 40 instances of possibly undeclared variables and methods. If you experience problems with that, please open an issue.
14:28:27 <NamelessCoder> those of you using development branch: the commit just merged fixes 40 instances of possibly undeclared variables and methods. If you experience problems with that, please open an issue.
15:47:15 <batjony> guys, is there some fluid/vhs helper, which can be used to render meta tags
15:54:52 <batjony> i found it v:page.header.meta :)
17:00:19 <drlimbo> im using the VIDI-Extension to export Database-Entries to CSV-Files what works well with an admin user, but i cant find a way to enable this for a backend usergroup
20:53:27 <Akii> what I basically need is a switch between main and sub page
20:53:31 <NamelessCoder> I was considering adding stuff in EXT:builder to inspect template paths, extension settings, fluidpages libraries and page tree nodes that change config
20:54:35 <mrboe> @NamelessCoder is it normal that the TER Ext contains .git files - im testing FBT and when i install vhs my TOWER wants to make a submodule. i think this is not as should
21:20:06 <NamelessCoder> also, please create a very simple unit test for that with a test matching TRUE and FALSE cases, there's a base unit test which allows $this->executeViewHelper() which is very easy to use
21:39:19 <Akii> So I just create a PR into the development branch?
21:39:54 <Guest|44952> hello everybody: i use fluidcontent_grids and after updating to vhs 2.1.2 i have this failure in backend: LLL:EXT:fluidcontent_grids...
21:58:39 <NamelessCoder> that's you, cedricziel. You're Wilma today. Why is localLanguageFileRelativePath argument not being rendered on https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/flux/development/FormViewHelper.html ?
22:15:43 <Guest|44952> i can use it now @NamelessCoder?
22:17:04 <NamelessCoder> Guest|44952 there's no change; I suggest contacting the fluidcontent_grids guys (don't know who makes it) to suggest an xlf upgrade. They really should do this, as it allows the translation server to be used.
22:18:19 <Guest|44952> i have do this and he dont respond (since 2-3 days)
22:18:56 <NamelessCoder> I'm sorry to hear that. Give it a few days; Weekends and Mondays are probably the worst possible time
22:19:38 <NamelessCoder> general pro-tip btw, send your emails between tue at 12:00 and thur at 16:00, that's the sweet spot
22:21:11 <NamelessCoder> knowing is half the battle.
22:21:23 * NamelessCoder plays the G.I. Joe jingle
22:21:28 <Guest|44952> i have a project that must be finished at friday, so i can only hope he write back, else i have to go back to the old versions of vhs and flux, but today i have really changed a lot for the new extnesions! :-(
22:22:11 <NamelessCoder> who *is* the author of that ext?
22:28:30 <Guest|44952> yes i am reading and searching something on google
22:28:55 <NamelessCoder> hehe a quest yes :) DebuggerUtility of Flux is currently used by one class only and to do two things only: 1) dump variables and 2) dispatch flash messages. I'd like DebuggerUtility to go the way of all flesh, and for FluxService to use GeneralUtility::devlog and traditional flash messaging.