11:59:37 <NamelessCoder_> drlimbo consult the official TCA docs about "displayCond" to know that
12:00:12 <drlimbo> NamelessCoder_ because i use the bootstrap classes -> if menu -> f:count() 4 -> col-xs-12 // if menu -> f:count() 3 -> col-xs-9 // ...
12:00:35 <drlimbo> maybe i can calculate menu -> f:count() X 3
12:00:38 <NamelessCoder_> then a mapping array would make sense
12:00:53 <NamelessCoder_> or use modulo viewhelper in a condition
12:01:25 <NamelessCoder_> a mapping array is the faster solution
12:01:43 <drlimbo> oh, how i can use a mapping array? never heard of
12:03:52 <NamelessCoder_> you need a template variable, an array, in which indexes are the menu size and values are the CSS class you want that size to have
12:04:16 <NamelessCoder_> then to read the variable: {v:variable.get(name: 'mappingArrayVariable.{menu -> f:count()}')}
12:04:47 <NamelessCoder_> assign the variable to the template any way you like; from controller or TS
12:05:40 <drlimbo> ah, thats a nice Idea NamelessCoder_
12:47:27 <denis-fluid> Is it normal that you can't reference content items in Typo3 6.2 (default setup) ?
12:49:25 <NamelessCoder> denis-fluid yes; the XCLASS that added these has been replaced. The plan is to introduce a clickmenu item in Flux which, at some point, can be replaced by the method that is being planned for TYPO3 itself (one of the focus areas right now is fixing up the backend and allowing more flexibility than currently).
12:50:31 <NamelessCoder> denis-fluid you can still create the references manually. All a "reference" is, is a content element of type "shortcut" (reference to records) which points to the content element record you wish to reference.
12:50:38 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: So ist is not possible to create global elements and reference them on some pages? (in Typo3 6.2)
12:51:04 <NamelessCoder> yes, you can create elements in for example a sysfolder and use this "shortcut" element type to reference them
12:51:37 <NamelessCoder> but maybe it would make more sense to add these UIDs as TS settings with constants if the elements are truly global
12:51:59 <NamelessCoder> ...and then render the elements using v:content.render with contentElementUids attribute
12:55:21 <denis-fluid> Just to be sure if I understand it correctly. I have my "global elements" sys folder. In the "global elements" folder I'm creating a "Link shortcut"?
12:57:19 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: (and is it correct that the referencing mechanism has been dropped by Typo3 6 alltogether?)
12:59:10 <crewcut> I have this select field on a page, with the purpose of setting a class for a background css: <flux:field.select items="light,dark,transparent" name="settings.BackGround"/>
12:59:30 <crewcut> and this is getting the field value: class="{settings.BackGround}"
12:59:44 <crewcut> It does fetch the first value, but i cannot change the value - so where does the template get the value from?
13:01:20 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: I am not quite sure how to create a content element of type "shortcut".
13:04:39 <denis-fluid> (einfügbar über das GUI, nicht über TS was kein Redakteur pflegen kann)
13:08:30 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: Ok got it. :-)
13:14:21 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: One more question. I have created some fluid content elements inside my general contents page. When I try to reference the items I'm getting "[No title]" for each element. Is it possible to set the "Header" without being rendered in the frontend?
13:16:12 <NamelessCoder> depends whether you're using CSC or FCC. If CSC you need to modify the TS. If FCC you need to switch to the NoHeader layout from the template.
13:17:45 <denis-fluid> At the moment I am using CSC for simplicity. But I plan to use no standard elements only my custom content elements created as fluidcontent elements.
13:18:29 <denis-fluid> The problem ist that the header gets used everywhere in Typo3 to render information about the content.
13:19:15 <NamelessCoder> beta, with some missing element types
13:19:32 <NamelessCoder> but what you're talking about here is the preview that gets rendered and that, you need a hook to remove the header for.
13:21:40 <denis-fluid> Yeah that's right. (I'm sorry for being a noob just trying to get into Typo3 + Flux/Fluidpages/Fluidcontents which seems to be the first usable templating approach in T3)
13:22:27 <NamelessCoder> being new is no problem, but I have to warn that maybe you're aiming at some pretty complex integrations which aren't ideal in a learning context
13:23:40 <NamelessCoder> the header is an ever popular subject though :) CSC has plenty solutions with TS conditions to check for each element type and render/ignore the header based on fluid content type in FE, but you can't easily remove it from BE.
13:24:23 <NamelessCoder> FCC may not be completely finished but it does make it a lot easier to handle this (but the BE integration is about as complex as with CSC - sadly, no easier ways are possible at this time)
13:25:14 <denis-fluid> Thank you for your help. You helped me a lot.
13:25:19 <NamelessCoder> Flux has a hook that can modify previews, you can copy that. And you can exclude the field itself from editors if they are not admins (which they shouldn't be). That's done by editing the backend group or user and setting a custom "Access list"
13:26:34 <denis-fluid> Well excluding it in the BE is nice but it doesn't help with editors setting up global elements and trying to reference them seeing only "No next" for all the global things they setup.
13:27:05 <crewcut> NamelessCoder - when time permits, could you look into my question above?
13:27:41 <NamelessCoder> yep, true. There's only the preview-hook for that (you could use it to resolve the target element's title and show that, with a "Shortcut to: " in front)
13:30:00 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: Ok great so I understood it correctly. The easiest approach would be to copy the global element and paste it inside the records field. (for editors this is the easiest approach)
13:31:07 <NamelessCoder> crewcut one of three causes: 1) there's old XML data containing the value of a field that is no longer defined in the form. This field won't be cleared or changed. 2) The field value is being inherited from a parent (you don't say if this is a page template, but it if is, this could apply). 3) You have a field of the exact same name in another Flux field on the same table and you're using TYPO3 6.2.3 or below
13:31:49 <NamelessCoder> denis-fluid that creates a copy, iirc. But I'm not sure.
13:51:13 <drlimbo> {menu->f:count() -> v:math.product(b: 3)} - ah, i dont know this syntax before
13:51:31 <drlimbo> this makes a lot of things easier
14:11:41 <Kaimane> Hey guys. On TYPO3 6.2.5 I installed among other needed extensions fluidcontent_core and fluidbootstraptheme in the latest versions. When I create a new fluid CE for example 'modal box' from fluidbootstraptheme there is no wrapping <div> around it. But if I create a content element with ctype text for example a wrapping <div> is around it and a selected container class was rendered. What do I
14:20:10 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: I have found something like this "options="{useTypoScript: 0, group: 'Grid'…" in the fluidbootstraptheme content elements. Are these options documented somwhere? (When I look at https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/flux/master/FormViewHelper.html - I can't find it)
14:20:36 <drlimbo> if im right, it will add ' over-left' if there is mainPage.overLeft set
14:20:49 <drlimbo> else it just leave the value in cols
14:22:19 <drlimbo> but this doesn't work - it looks like it clears the value in {cols} and replace with " over-left"
14:23:52 <NamelessCoder> drlimbo not correct. What you have there always overwrites {cols} but the value is empty unless mainPage.overLeft is set
14:27:36 <NamelessCoder> you have to think of these in reverse. Fluid will render the last VH first, then continue towards the front of the chain
14:27:53 <NamelessCoder> putting v:var.set in front of append makes no sense
14:28:42 <drlimbo> so, i need something like {cols -> v:format.append(add: ' over-left') -> v:variable:set(name: 'cols') -> f:if(condition: mainPage.overLeft)}
14:29:00 <drlimbo> if condition is met, set variable cols, append over-left to cols
14:29:18 <drlimbo> maybe i need to switch append & cols
14:33:40 <NamelessCoder> drlimbo still thinking about it wrong. v:variable.set SETS a variable in the template variable container, it doesn't ECHO it
14:33:52 <NamelessCoder> since it's not ECHO'ed you cannot append to it this way.
14:34:09 <NamelessCoder> you need to append to the string *before* it reaches v:variable.set
14:34:54 <crewcut> setting inherit="0" did have some change, but why are the value not parsed to the: and this is getting the field value: class="{settings.BackGround}" in the FE?
14:35:15 <NamelessCoder> you could write out the expression using tags then replicate that, in reverse, using inline
14:37:51 <NamelessCoder> chained viewhelper syntax works because some ViewHelpers allow an argument to be NULL in which case it is taken from $this->renderChildren()
14:41:43 <NamelessCoder> in the 2nd expression: nothing happens unless {someothervar} exists. If it does, {somevar} is appended with "somestring" and told to overwrite the previous value of {somevar}
14:41:57 <NamelessCoder> had you left out the v:variable.set chain segment, the value would instead be output
14:57:20 <NamelessCoder> unless the argument is truly defined on the controller action as a php argument, it only exists in the request and will never be validated or secured with CSRF
14:57:36 <NamelessCoder> public function yourAction($argumentName)
14:58:52 <NamelessCoder> as soon as you need any sort of validation you'll be off on a tangent if you do this
14:59:14 <NamelessCoder> add it as a proper controller argument and configure f:form to post it correctly, then you'll be safe and prepared for the next requirement that comes up
15:32:45 <Guest|27736> Hi everyone. I spotted a question in the logs that I am also trying to figure out. I want to be able to have a sinlge website with multiple theme type packages but want to restrict each theme to a specfic portion of the site with only the page and content elements for that theme available. Can this be done?
19:38:54 <rosieres> Guest|99236: extbase builds the queries itself. It depends on what you want to archieve. So explain detailled what you have done so far and what you want to have in the end.
19:48:51 <Guest|99236> i need to get data from a table (created by an extension)