08:34:32 <Thomas56> Hi there! Do the vhs view helper have or had a problem with workspaces? I am using version 1.9.1. The helper page.menu does not output the values of the current workspace but always the base version.
08:52:08 <randomresult> thomas: as far as i remember you should use the latest TER version. there have been some problems with workspaces - but i dont know wether it was vhs or flux or pages or content. but i think i would change all of them to the latest TER
08:52:26 <randomresult> vhs is now at 2.0.2 or something
09:00:29 <Thomas56> Ok, thank you for your response!
09:23:27 <ndee_> good morning, I tried {v:resource.file(identifier: carModel.brochure.uid, treatIdAsReference: 1, as: 'brochureLink')} and {brochureLink} contained just an empty array, but when I did {v:resource.file(identifier: carModel.brochure.uid, treatIdAsReference: 1) -> v:variable.set(name: 'brochureLink')}, {brochureLink} contained the correct information. Shall I post this as a bug report?
09:25:11 <Akii> well technicall it's correct behaviour.. what did you expect?
09:25:22 <Akii> inline vh assigning a variable for it's children (none)
09:25:29 <ndee_> Akii: I expected that brochureLink contains the information
09:25:43 <Akii> instead use it properly like <v:resource ..> {thing -> f:debug()}
09:25:57 <ndee_> {v:resource.file(identifier: carModel.brochure.uid, treatIdAsReference: 1, as: 'brochureLink')} <-- shouldn't that set a template variable which is available as {brochureLink} ?
10:23:35 <batjony> guys, i am creating some custom backend module, is there some view helper which can be used for adding links/icons(the standard typo3 ones) - for edit, delete, hide in my list
12:00:31 <Thomas56> Hi! Because of my workspace problem in the morning with VHS, i updated flux, vhs, fluidcontent and fluidpages to the latest TER versions and even T3 to 6.2.5. Now i have the problem that my fluidpages backends arent rendered the right way. I have updated all templates to the latest names of the flux viewhelpers, but fluidpages does not render the g
12:00:31 <Thomas56> rid as i configure it in the page template, but it renders the standard T3 columns main, left, right, border. Do you have any hint?
12:02:04 <Thomas56> is there no more auto layout because of the flux grid?
12:07:34 <Thomas56> I dont get it. Ist this doc outdated? https://fluidtypo3.org/documentation/templating-manual/templating/creating-templates/page-template.html
12:10:31 <gbod> Thomas56: You have to set the Backendlayut to Fluidpages ind the Appearance Tab of Page settings.
15:49:33 <shredding> i’m searching for a sample on how to use a query in https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/flux/master/Field/SelectViewHelper.html
15:50:01 <shredding> as asked here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25010713/typo3-6-2-table-records-in-fce-flux (by someone else)
16:00:30 <Guest|86117> Hey guys, i m using newest typo3 and all fluid version from repo! i build a box like this https://gist.github.com/anonymous/db2c0f4ebdafc4709077 if i put elements in this box they goin to be hidden in the "page view". Also in the column if have "18181". Someone coulda help me?