09:33:35 <denis-fluid> bjo3rn: I got one more question. Is it normal that the column field in a content item which is nested in a multi column content element (both fluid content elements) shows a "INVALID VALUE 181818?
09:34:43 <bjo3rn> yes, that's normal. it's only a cosmetic issue though and will be fixed in the next release.
09:39:05 <denis-fluid> bjo3rn: Ok fine. It just looks weird to the none technical users here. :-)
09:40:29 <denis-fluid> From a user/editor point of view the referencing of global elements is a bit more of a problem. Using only Fluid Content Elements which are not listed in the referencing selection due to the empty header field.
09:41:17 <denis-fluid> (technically it works but from a usability point of view it is difficult to find the right element with each element being rendered as "not title".
09:47:38 <crewcut> Hi bjo3rn, if you got time - i made a onepage setup much like your idea on your blog post, and i am trying to insert a class value from a page setting like this: <section id="{mainPage.linktext}" class="{settings.theme}">. My page flux field select looks like this: <flux:field.select label="Background Settings"
09:52:46 <bjo3rn> {record -> flux:form.data(table: 'pages', field: 'tx_fed_page_flexform')} will return the flexform data from record as an array
09:53:35 <crewcut> I just discovered your blog from the post with denis-fluid and found your onepage layout, which is very similar to my own, so was a bit proud of my self (being new in fluidtypo3)
09:54:21 <bjo3rn> hehe, good to know. I could say the same then :)
11:11:03 <mneuhaus> Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/master.fluidtypo3.org/typo3conf/ext/fluidcontent_core/Classes/Provider/ContentProvider.php' (include_path='/var/www/master.fluidtypo3.org/typo3/contrib/pear/:.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/master.fluidtypo3.org/TYPO3.CMS/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Core/ClassLoader.php on line 182
11:12:02 <denis-fluid> Ok fine perhaps I'm to stupid but when adding colspan to my columns I'm getting no columns at all in the backend :P
11:21:28 <bjo3rn> mneuhaus yes, defunct. those with the right powers are pinged ^^
11:21:48 <bjo3rn> denis-fluid your gist is still valid?
11:22:17 <denis-fluid> the gist is valid except that I added the colspan of 1 and 3 to the columns
11:22:39 <denis-fluid> When I do that no columns are rendered in the backend
11:22:48 <denis-fluid> when dropping the colspan it is back to normal
11:25:24 <mneuhaus> is there a way to tell the "<flux:field.text enableRichText="TRUE">" viewHelper to use the configuration selected in the rtehtmlarea extensions settings?
11:25:46 <mneuhaus> i mean without doing it manually everywhere through defaultExtras
11:28:16 <bjo3rn> mrboe is right. colspan is the way. my template was a little different. so, why no rendering at all? cleared all available caches denis-fluid?
11:30:15 <denis-fluid> I did clear all caches and my template looks like this: https://gist.github.com/DenisMir/8b154bc23179808eb5ae
11:38:14 <mrboe> @denis-fluid have you seen fluidboostraptheme
11:38:47 <denis-fluid> I got one more question. Is it a bug that you can't drag and drop content elements inside another content element with "<flux:form.content name="content" />". I can drag and drop it when there is at least one element inside the wrapper.
11:38:59 <denis-fluid> mrboe: Yeah I have it opened. It helped me a lot.
11:39:30 <mrboe> i also have that drag an drop issue when i have a tow col container
11:52:02 <cedricziel> denis-fluid: use the limit argument
11:53:16 <denis-fluid> cedricziel: Thank you. I'm sorry that I missed it. I've got one more. How do I check if there are items in the column? (to render parts of the template only if there is some content available)
11:53:38 <cedricziel> use v:content.get and then count
11:54:15 <Xatenev> is it possible to generate something like a WHERE condition in a f:for each
11:54:41 <denis-fluid> cedricziel: Thank you. Regarding the limit argument. I couldn't find it here: https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/flux/master/Grid/ColumnViewHelper.html
13:01:56 <mneuhaus> hmm, cleared cache in install tool, cleared frontend + general + system cache and i even renamed typo3temp to typo3temp_ to completely "remove" it
13:14:58 <randomresult> anyone here knows if there is a way to run the migration wizzard (update from 4.7 to 6.2) from shell?
13:15:19 <randomresult> seem that its not possible for me to run the wizzard in the installtool as the DB seems to be to big
13:46:01 <denis-fluid> mrboe: Has the "itemListStyle" to be set to something in the select field? At the moment I got the following: https://gist.github.com/DenisMir/744480b20fe9fbc97d77
13:46:29 <denis-fluid> When I'm trying that one I get two single select fields besides each other but multiple selection is not possible.
13:50:18 <denis-fluid> mrboe: It looks like this one -> http://imgur.com/EF14dGq
13:54:35 <rosieres> As soon as a fluidpages pageLayout is selected in page configuration all newContent Wizards disappear except of Standard:Text -> Is this autogenerated or where does this come from?
14:10:43 <rosieres> answer my own question -> flux:form.variable name="allowedContentTypes"
14:43:47 <Luck> hello, is there a viewhelper for render a fal (pdf file) as link to open or download
14:48:47 <drlimbo> Luck: just use the link viewhelper
14:48:48 <danilobuerger> Luck yes several depending on your needs in v:resource
14:48:56 <drlimbo> or the image-viewhelper to generate preview-images from pdf
14:50:44 <Lirrec> hi, could someone tell me how to manually clear/reset the configuration from fluidpages in page settings -> "Page Configuration" ?
14:51:10 <Lirrec> the Clear value checkboxes only work for the "subpages" part
14:52:06 <Luck> yes i can render the pdf (image-preview) with <v:media.image treatIdAsReference="1" src="{item.logo}" alt="{item.alt}"/>
14:53:36 <mneuhaus> if you collapse one it shows some stuff, but i would like to customize that + that doesn't show on opening an existing fluidcontent element
14:54:06 <danilobuerger> mneuhaus good question, if you find out let me know please
14:54:27 <drlimbo> on my page, i have to Columns 1/0 -> <flux:grid.column colPos="1" name="Header Content" /> /// <flux:grid.column colPos="0" name="Main Content" />
14:54:57 <drlimbo> as admin, i can add an element to col1 and it will be stored there, as a backend-user i can add an element to col1, but it will be stored at col 0
14:55:05 <drlimbo> its possible to move to col 1 as a user after
15:00:58 <mneuhaus> that's what it was supposed to sound like ;)
15:01:07 <danilobuerger> mneuhaus yeah that aint pretty
15:01:50 <mneuhaus> i think i better ignore that for now :)
15:02:16 <drlimbo> is there a way to enable only specific Elements in a Col? --> ex. col 1 should only contain Element X -- col 0 can contain element y, text, text with image etc.
15:02:32 <danilobuerger> drlimbo i thought claus did something like that a while ago, but cant remember
15:03:40 <drlimbo> oh, is there a way to find this?
15:20:12 <denis-fluid> I have looked at the bootstrap example but they use the css classes directly. (which customers won't accept since they don't know anything about css :-) )
15:20:21 <drlimbo> rosieres: I have a flux:flexform id="Header-Slider" i'd like to allow with variables="{allowedContentTypes: 'Header-Slider'}" - but this seems to be the wrong ID =)
15:20:32 <mneuhaus> do you need translated select options in the backend?
15:21:10 <denis-fluid> mneuhaus: Well pretty sure we will need them at a specific point of time. (having users from multiple countries access the be)
15:21:22 <rosieres> drlimbo: you must study the code of headerSlider extension, to determine how the Content is built
15:22:08 <rosieres> drlimbo: i'd bet it's 'plugin'
15:22:18 <drlimbo> rosieres: the Header Slider is an Element i created
15:44:03 <drlimbo> what was your aproach with area rosieres?
15:47:04 <drlimbo> mh, why is my DB-Field "tx_flux_column" empty?
15:47:18 <drlimbo> i think there must be stored, in what column the element is?
15:50:03 <drlimbo> ah rosieres, variables="{allowedContentTypes:'fluidcontent_content'}" <- only show my FluidContent FCE's - but i cant find a way to differ them
16:03:29 <denis-fluid> Is it normal that wrapper content elements don't get rendered when putting fluidcontent core elements are used inside them. I have tried the fluidcontent_core from FER but only none wrapped content elements get rendered.
16:04:04 <drlimbo> danilobuerger: here are both templates -> http://nopaste.info/f8e1e25ced.html
16:06:21 <drlimbo> danilobuerger: first is the "ogbase:HeaderSlideshow.html", second is the "SubPage.html"
16:07:24 <drlimbo> danilobuerger: I found this on Github: variables="{Fluidcontent: {allowedContentTypes: 'fluidcontent_bootstrap:Alert.html'}}
16:10:14 <rosieres> When the solution arrives -> IMHO:this is a case for the library -> https://fluidtypo3.org/library/code-examples.html
16:10:52 <drlimbo> but its not working =( danilobuerger
16:11:24 <drlimbo> variables="{Fluidcontent: {allowedContentTypes: 'ogbase:ogbase:HeaderSlideshow.html'}}" neither then variables="{fluidcontent_content: {allowedContentTypes: 'ogbase:ogbase:HeaderSlideshow.html'}}"
16:11:39 <drlimbo> first shows NO FCE's - second shows all FCE's =(
16:13:12 <drlimbo> hell, do i really wrote ogbase:ogbase
16:26:12 <drlimbo> rosieres: I found a way yes -> variables="{Fluidcontent: {allowedContentTypes: 'ogbase:HeaderSlideshow.html'}, deniedContentTypes: 'text'}"
16:26:38 <drlimbo> shows FCE HeaderSlideshow and all elements but hide "text" element
16:26:55 <rosieres> drlimbo: you are very welcome to file this here -> https://fluidtypo3.org/library/code-examples.html