IRC logs


Logs from channel #fedext on freenode - our official support channel.

IRC log range: 20141017*


  • 10:19:49 <Luck> hi all
  • 10:20:00 <Luck> is there a condition in v:page:menu for 'if has no subpages class'?
  • 10:20:08 <Luck> < pageUid="{categorie}" levels="3" classHasSubpages="withsub" class="nosub">
  • 10:20:15 <Luck> gave me <ul class="nosub"> <li></li> </ul>
  • 10:20:21 <Luck> i need <ul> <li class="nosub"></li> </ul>
  • 10:26:32 <erredeco> Hi there; it has been a while since I've used my TYPO3 on a MAMP server on my Mac
  • 10:26:51 <erredeco> I use now TYPO3 6.2.5 and latest version of flux, vhs, fluidpages, fluidcontent
  • 10:27:12 <erredeco> My problem: clicking on "page" or "list" and then "edit page" I obtain the error:
  • 10:27:15 <erredeco> Class FluidTYPO3\Flux\Service\WorkspacesAwareRecordService does not exist
  • 10:27:49 <erredeco> I tried to uninstall workspaces extension, deleted cache, TEMP files and removed fields from DB
  • 10:28:01 <erredeco> nothing solved the problem :(
  • 10:32:48 <erredeco> ok solved :)
  • 10:33:04 <erredeco> reinstallation of flux 7.1.0 and clearing cache from Install tool
  • 12:52:03 <Xatenev> How do i give my select multiple values xD?
  • 12:52:20 <Xatenev> options="{1: 'something', 2: 'somethingElse'}" does NOT work
  • 12:52:20 <Xatenev> :(
  • 12:53:09 <Xatenev> how can i hardcode multiple select values without preparing the array inside my controller?
  • 12:53:13 <Xatenev> like just hardcoding it right into the template
  • 13:59:35 <Guest|38949> hi is there a way a assign a css class to the body tag using fluid?
  • 14:56:42 <drlimbo> hi there
  • 14:56:59 <drlimbo> i extended pages with a new field "image" where i can add an image in the page settings
  • 14:57:21 <drlimbo> first time im using fal, and im not sure, how to get the path to the picture
  • 14:57:54 <drlimbo> in the pages table, there is a 1 in the field "teaserimage" - what means - there is an image?
  • 14:58:09 <drlimbo> in the sys_file_reference there is a new record with the image i added
  • 14:58:24 <drlimbo> now i have to somehow get the correct image with a viewhelper
  • 14:58:30 <drlimbo> but im not sure how =)
  • 15:40:17 <drlimbo> someone here?
  • 15:41:01 <drlimbo> i extended pages with a new field "image" where i can add an image in the page setting - what adds a new record in sys_file_reference
  • 15:41:35 <drlimbo> now i need to get the uid of the image, but i don't know how
  • 15:54:38 <NamelessCoder> drlimbo before I publish I need you to fix the "name" property. It should contain lowerCamelCase names only (and LLL will then be resolved automatically).
  • 15:55:41 <drlimbo> i updated the gist NamelessCoder
  • 15:56:01 <NamelessCoder> lowerCamelCase ;)
  • 15:56:23 <NamelessCoder> if in doubt about naming, there's a section of the manual dedicated to that with examples when to use what
  • 15:57:01 <drlimbo> allright NamelessCoder, lowerCamelCase DONE =)
  • 15:57:51 <NamelessCoder> thx :)
  • 15:58:13 <NamelessCoder> published, dunno about cache expiration though. Should be there in an hour tops
  • 15:58:44 <drlimbo> great =)
  • 15:58:55 <drlimbo> maybe u have an idea about my problem here? NamelessCoder
  • 15:59:02 <Xatenev> Anybody got some experience with ajax calls (eid's) on typo3?
  • 15:59:37 <Xatenev> (not a fluid question tho)
  • 15:59:46 <NamelessCoder> all I have time for is a hint: use a custom page typeNum Xatenev
  • 15:59:55 <NamelessCoder> and for drlimbo, see v:page.resources.fal
  • 16:00:28 <Xatenev> NamelessCoder: well it works quite good
  • 16:00:35 <Xatenev> but somehow it doesnt rendewr the right thing :P
  • 16:00:35 <drlimbo> ill try NamelessCoder thx
  • 16:00:43 <NamelessCoder> Xatenev if you're feeling frisky, see (
  • 16:00:48 <Guest|22037> after updating flux etc. I always get this error message in backend:
  • 16:00:53 <Xatenev> It works great
  • 16:00:53 <Guest|22037> Flux Debug
  • 16:00:54 <Guest|22037> No content template found in "tt_content:2446"
  • 16:00:59 <Xatenev> the problem is that it somehow returns my whole view
  • 16:01:04 <Xatenev> instead of the data which i prepare inside my action
  • 16:01:06 <Xatenev> lold
  • 16:01:11 <NamelessCoder> of course it doesn't ;)
  • 16:01:15 <Guest|22037> frontend is OK, what did I wrong that causes the error message
  • 16:01:21 <Xatenev> whyy
  • 16:01:21 <Xatenev> ^^
  • 16:01:25 <NamelessCoder> custom page typenums are supposed to only return exactly what your userFunc returns
  • 16:01:47 <NamelessCoder> they rely on a pageUid context as well, for resolving the typoscript containing paths. E.g. you must include ?id=123
  • 16:01:47 <Xatenev> so i have tgo set that typenum thing
  • 16:02:09 <NamelessCoder> those are the pitfalls
  • 16:02:24 <Xatenev> dont understand why it isnt returning the whole data tho
  • 16:02:26 <Xatenev> it goes into the action
  • 16:02:38 <Xatenev> i create some stuff, json encode it and echo it
  • 16:02:42 <Xatenev> but i just get random stuff xd
  • 16:02:47 <Xatenev> makes completly no sense to me^^
  • 16:03:00 <NamelessCoder> don't echo from inside actions
  • 16:03:04 <NamelessCoder> return the string
  • 16:03:26 <Xatenev> on ajax calls it shudnt make a difference
  • 16:03:27 <Xatenev> shud it?
  • 16:03:34 <NamelessCoder> oh it makes a difference
  • 16:03:37 <Xatenev> nope makes no difference^^
  • 16:03:43 <Xatenev> (on my result atleast)
  • 16:03:43 <NamelessCoder> content-length, among other things
  • 16:03:50 <Xatenev> mhm k
  • 16:03:54 <Xatenev> tho i still get the whole template back :(
  • 16:04:15 <NamelessCoder> that's because you don't have a custom typeNum that is not zero. TypeNum zero will output the entire template
  • 16:04:38 <NamelessCoder> doing this right entails:
  • 16:04:44 <NamelessCoder> 1) create a custom typeNum
  • 16:05:00 <NamelessCoder> 2) configure this typeNum as a constant value that you can access in templates and from controllers (this is important)
  • 16:05:15 <Akii> (timestamps work great!)
  • 16:05:23 <NamelessCoder> 3) map your *plugin* or a dedicated plugin to the typeNum
  • 16:05:54 <NamelessCoder> 4) When building links from controller: use UriBuilder ($this->uriBuilder) and make sure you pass ->setPageType($yourconstant)
  • 16:06:14 <Xatenev> ok
  • 16:06:23 <Xatenev> maybe you dont understand me - or this makes absolutely no sense for me why i have to take that steps
  • 16:06:25 <Xatenev> in order to make a simple ajax call
  • 16:06:28 <NamelessCoder> 5) When building links from templates: use pageType attribute and pass {yourconstant}
  • 16:06:36 <NamelessCoder> 6) Suggested location of constant: TS.
  • 16:06:44 <Xatenev> I just want a simple ajax call - why do i have to create typenums and i dont know what
  • 16:06:50 <Xatenev> if it is refering to the right action already
  • 16:06:56 <NamelessCoder> because you want your ajax call to return only specific content
  • 16:07:07 <Xatenev> but why doesnt it do that automatically
  • 16:07:07 <Xatenev> lol
  • 16:07:15 <NamelessCoder> you've got two options forthat in TYPO3. One is eID, the other a custom typeNum
  • 16:07:17 <Xatenev> u ALWAYS want specific content, no?
  • 16:07:23 <Xatenev> Yea im using eID
  • 16:07:25 <Xatenev> stuff
  • 16:07:27 <NamelessCoder> eID has the drawback that you must initialize everything manually and that SUCKS with fluid
  • 16:07:42 <NamelessCoder> typeNum initializes everything properly which is great for Extbase
  • 16:08:01 <NamelessCoder> Xatenev another point: typeNums can be mapped to formats
  • 16:08:16 <NamelessCoder> e.g. realurl filename something.json can map to typeNum 123 which only returns JSON
  • 16:08:44 <NamelessCoder> anyway, why trust me, it's not like I have a lot of experience doing this crap ^^ ;)
  • 16:08:54 <Xatenev> :P i trust u mate
  • 16:08:57 <Xatenev> the thing is just that it makes no sense to me
  • 16:09:01 <Xatenev> I definetly believe that ur right
  • 16:09:09 <Xatenev> but I dont see why people would invent such a system :P
  • 16:09:18 <NamelessCoder> some things won't make sense in TYPO3 until you hit the pitfalls, then it makes PERFECT sense
  • 16:09:36 <Xatenev> Theres so much things that makes no sense
  • 16:09:39 <Xatenev> and cud be done quite better lol
  • 16:09:46 <Xatenev> (imho)
  • 16:09:48 <NamelessCoder> case in point: eID initialization of an Extbase context is difficult to say the least
  • 16:14:29 <Guest|22037> any hints regarding my error message (see above):
  • 16:14:31 <Guest|22037> Flux Debug - No content template found in "tt_content:2446"
  • 16:14:37 <Xatenev> NamelessCoder: got it
  • 16:14:48 <Xatenev> the problem was I forgot to add my action to the ext_localconf.php >.<
  • 16:14:57 <Xatenev> its working great now with eid
  • 16:16:25 <NamelessCoder> until you hit your next stop gap :)
  • 16:16:37 <NamelessCoder> but at least now you are informed of the risks and pitfalls
  • 16:31:16 <drlimbo> how i can acess the first-image of the images-array like this?
  • 16:31:22 <drlimbo> <f:image image="{v:page.resources.fal(table: 'pages', field: 'teaserimage').0}"/>
  • 16:38:07 <mrboe> @drlimbo
  • 16:38:24 <mrboe> line 67
  • 16:39:16 <drlimbo> thx mrboe, sure loop trough the array is possible, but i only have one picture, so i'd like to get the first array-element
  • 16:39:23 <drlimbo> but i found a way like this
  • 16:39:31 <drlimbo> <v:page.resources.fal table="pages" field="teaserimage" as="theimage">
  • 16:39:31 <drlimbo> <f:image src="{theimage.0.url}"/>
  • 16:42:16 <gbod> drlimbo: But if there is none, your code fails. Iteration is even good for that.
  • 16:42:45 <drlimbo> ah, thats a good point gbod
  • 16:43:22 <drlimbo> but its possible to do with an IF theimage.0.url
  • 16:43:52 <drlimbo> but an iteration would be much nicer
  • 16:44:06 <gbod> drlimbo: So count the code lines for the IF and for the FOR
  • 16:44:13 <gbod> ;)
  • 16:44:15 <drlimbo> yup, i just thought =P
  • 16:44:28 <NamelessCoder> {v:page.resources.fal(field: 'teaserimage') -> v:iterator.first() -> v:iterator.extract(key: 'url', single: TRUE)}
  • 16:45:11 <mrboe> i hate it when claus destroys my world
  • 16:45:16 <mrboe> ;)
  • 16:45:20 <NamelessCoder> qouth the syntax automaton
  • 16:45:32 <gbod> mrboe: Does he? ;)
  • 16:45:39 <mrboe> alwas
  • 16:46:03 <gbod> I don't think the enlightment is destruction.
  • 16:46:16 <gbod> In this case.
  • 16:48:35 <NamelessCoder> know your tools ;)
  • 16:48:45 <gbod> !!!
  • 16:49:09 <gbod> Or know somebody who builds them.
  • 16:49:19 <NamelessCoder> that wasn't meant as "know you're tools" hehe ^^
  • 16:49:33 <NamelessCoder> what a difference those chars make
  • 16:50:39 <NamelessCoder> one of the absolute best ways to learn this is to try writing such viewhelpers yourself
  • 16:51:21 <NamelessCoder> although I realise we're sort of helping to remove the need to ever do that, catch 22
  • 16:51:48 <gbod> Yep
  • 16:52:00 <NamelessCoder> it's not until you yourself exploit renderChildren etc. methods that you figure out "aha! so that's why inline and so on..."
  • 16:54:04 <NamelessCoder> mrboe I was thinking about passing control of repositories/TER for fluidcontent_bootstrap and fluidpages_bootstrap over to you and randomresult so you guys can be free to decide what to do about deprecation and migration
  • 16:54:12 <NamelessCoder> any objections?
  • 16:55:05 <mrboe> no
  • 16:55:20 <mrboe> @randomresult ?
  • 16:55:27 <randomresult> no.
  • 16:55:32 <NamelessCoder> then so be it :) thanks for picking up the torch :)
  • 16:55:42 <randomresult> ur welcome
  • 16:55:48 <mrboe> ^^
  • 16:55:54 <randomresult> thx for showing us how its done
  • 16:55:59 <gbod> Great idea.
  • 16:57:23 <randomresult> thx for makeme learn more than i ever expected.
  • 16:57:30 <NamelessCoder> ;)
  • 16:57:43 <randomresult> and this is only the beginning
  • 16:57:51 <randomresult> will apreciate it
  • 16:59:14 <NamelessCoder> randomresult could you give me ownership perms for org:bootstraptheme-for-typo3 for a minute? I need that to pass the repos directly to your org to minimise github redirects
  • 16:59:33 <randomresult> i can give you that for an hour
  • 16:59:37 <randomresult> or even more
  • 16:59:38 <randomresult> :)
  • 16:59:46 <NamelessCoder> not necessary, only need to type a few repo names ;)
  • 17:00:01 <randomresult> well - mrboe is in charge for that
  • 17:00:06 <randomresult> mrboe will you?
  • 17:04:07 <NamelessCoder> there we go :)
  • 17:04:21 <NamelessCoder> randomresult the TER keys are yours, repos are now the property of bootstraptheme-for-typo3
  • 17:04:33 <randomresult> cool
  • 17:04:46 <randomresult> we are discussing what to do with them right now
  • 17:04:57 <randomresult> FTB2.0 is in the making!
  • 17:05:16 <mrboe> had to go - nice WE
  • 17:05:26 <NamelessCoder> you too!
  • 17:13:49 <NamelessCoder> randomresult if you have a server and want to get some automatic deployment going, I'll help you set up a Gizzle install that can deploy like does now, as well as do TER releases
  • 17:14:47 <randomresult> well we talked about that
  • 17:14:53 <randomresult> gbod will take care of that
  • 17:15:01 <NamelessCoder> great :)
  • 17:15:25 <randomresult> but i bet he (and i ) will be happy if you give us a helping hand!
  • 17:15:56 <gbod> Yep, I've mentioned your post about it and the code.
  • 17:16:11 <NamelessCoder> basically you just need to copy what's going on here:
  • 17:16:23 <NamelessCoder> and make sure you stuff your secret, token, credentials in there
  • 17:17:17 <NamelessCoder> then you can either attach the "SiteDeploy" script to your forks of flux etc. and pull/push to update those, or you can add a git pull plugin that pulls our repos before pulling your own
  • 17:18:39 <NamelessCoder> haven't quite reached the pubsub stage but we're getting there ;)
  • 17:18:39 * randomresult needs to leave...
  • 17:18:48 <NamelessCoder> have a nice weekend!
  • 17:18:50 <randomresult> :)
  • 17:18:56 <randomresult> man claus. ur crazy
  • 17:19:11 <randomresult> come to essen i will get you beer
  • 17:19:12 <gbod> Ah, thank you, NamelessCoder.
  • 17:19:25 <gbod> More than one
  • 17:19:50 <randomresult> well at least two. gbod will maybe be there too... we are working on that too
  • 17:19:55 <NamelessCoder> I'll be drunk as a skunk if I take a tour of Germany some day ^^
  • 17:20:28 <randomresult> come over! make a tour.
  • 17:21:06 <randomresult> so, really need to go. my son ... he wants to stop watching me typing. see u later folks
  • 17:21:20 <NamelessCoder> go, have a nice one ;)
  • 17:22:56 <NamelessCoder> dinner calls - may be back later, maybe not
  • 18:41:35 <Outdoorsman> randomresult or anyone who knows fluidbootstraptheme... I add content to a Bootstrap grid and all the content disappears (not even rendered) in the frontend. What could cause that?
  • 18:45:13 <randomresult> TER versions?
  • 18:45:17 <Outdoorsman> yes
  • 18:45:20 <Outdoorsman> 1.1.0
  • 18:45:21 <randomresult> no clue
  • 18:45:32 <Outdoorsman> ahhhh
  • 18:45:57 <randomresult> ahhh sounds like - damn im stupid!
  • 18:46:59 <Outdoorsman> I got tired of running bleating edge stuff and breaking my client's site but it appears I might just have to revert back to dev versions again to eliminate possible local errors.
  • 18:48:13 <Outdoorsman> Thanks for the response... and no you're not stupid! Thank you for all you do!
  • 18:50:24 <NamelessCoder> hey charles :)
  • 18:50:44 <NamelessCoder> did you roll back to dev of fluidbootstraptheme or other exts?
  • 18:50:52 <NamelessCoder> just checking if I need to make a bugfix release
  • 19:14:39 <randomresult> hey charles: would be interessting if this is an issue of FBT - i got several testinstalls running and no problem with them.
  • 19:14:52 <randomresult> leave us a ticket on github if so!
  • 19:24:02 <Outdoorsman> Ahhhh it somehow had to do with fluidcontent_core.
  • 19:24:29 <Outdoorsman> I uninstalled it and installed css_styled_content and immeditely things appeared again.
  • 19:24:50 <NamelessCoder> charles you're sure you ran the install script for fluidcontent_core and loaded the TS?
  • 19:25:21 <NamelessCoder> pretty sure it works if those two are in order
  • 19:25:25 <Outdoorsman> Strange... very strange. Before I did that, I updated everything to the latest dev first.
  • 19:25:51 <Outdoorsman> I'm not sure what you mean about the install script... didn't know there was something special I had to run... gulp.
  • 19:26:13 <NamelessCoder> oh yes, there's a small "refresh"-type icon next to the extension in extension manager
  • 19:26:23 <NamelessCoder> click that to copy a small additional configuration file into place
  • 19:26:44 <NamelessCoder> you only need to do this once per site and never again after updating FCC
  • 19:26:59 <Outdoorsman> was working before I thought.
  • 19:27:24 <NamelessCoder> without that configuration file FCC can't render plugins, but it can render standard content. fluidcontent falls into the "plugin" type content
  • 19:27:38 <Outdoorsman> on the phone
  • 19:27:41 <NamelessCoder> np
  • 19:32:30 <Outdoorsman> okay trying now.
  • 19:32:54 <NamelessCoder> don't forget the TS and to remove css_styled_content
  • 19:36:17 <Outdoorsman> Well what do you know... it worked!
  • 19:36:29 <NamelessCoder> :)
  • 19:37:34 <Outdoorsman> So when do you have to run that update script thing? Every time you update and extension? I guess I'm still old-school as I came straight from 4.7 to 6.x.
  • 19:38:00 <Outdoorsman> I must have missed that memo somewhere.
  • 19:38:32 <Outdoorsman> I'm seeing update scripts on many of the FluidTYPO3 related extensions.
  • 19:54:45 <Outdoorsman> Just saying... it suuuuuure is nice to have community to work with, thank you guys.
  • 20:00:09 <NamelessCoder> you're very welcome :)
  • 20:00:22 <NamelessCoder> script only needs to run once, the config file it creates is permanent
  • 20:00:51 <NamelessCoder> rule of thumb: it never hurts to run an upgrade script more than once
  • 20:06:44 <Akii> if its idempotent ^^
  • 20:06:55 <Akii> otherwise it hurts a lot
  • 20:07:27 <NamelessCoder> hence rule of thumb ;)
  • 20:13:20 <Outdoorsman> Akii, you're funny :) Are you referring to... ? I have a math minor and don't even remember that term... I need to keep that one in my hat.
  • 20:13:39 <Akii> seems like yosemite can recover from being plugged in to two displays.. nice to have feature if you ask me
  • 20:14:15 <Akii> yep I love that term.. being a non-math guy
  • 20:14:25 <Akii> you could say I have a love-hate relationship to it
  • 20:14:31 <NamelessCoder> oh, mavericks did that too - remembered all settings even icon locations for at least four different displays that I tried
  • 20:14:57 <Akii> was mavericks the 10.9 thing?
  • 20:15:06 <NamelessCoder> yep
  • 20:15:31 <Akii> it was really bad for me.. to a point where I had a black screen just because I unplugged both external displays
  • 20:15:49 <Akii> if I was lucky I only had windows completely out of bounds
  • 20:16:01 <Akii> also invisible windows
  • 20:16:52 <NamelessCoder> never had that issue - maybe I'm just lucky. All thunderbolt/hdmi?
  • 20:17:00 <Akii> only thunderbolt
  • 20:17:19 <NamelessCoder> odd
  • 20:17:19 <Akii> with my previous MB I didn't have those problems.. but that one also ran on 10.8
  • 20:17:39 <Akii> first worlds problems
  • 20:17:44 <NamelessCoder> hehe yeah
  • 20:17:53 <NamelessCoder> waaaah my thunderbolt doesn't work ^^
  • 20:17:57 <Akii> ye
  • 20:19:46 <NamelessCoder> I'm about to make what afaik is the first self-destruction TYPO3 extension
  • 20:20:04 <Akii> with a remote kill-switch?
  • 20:20:15 <NamelessCoder> nope, one that destroys itself after first run
  • 20:20:24 <Akii> that shouldn't be too hard
  • 20:20:36 <NamelessCoder> definitely not - but never, ever had a purpose for one until now
  • 20:20:42 <Akii> I mean.. Ne.. eh I mean $software has that feature built in
  • 20:20:47 <NamelessCoder> muhaha
  • 20:20:52 <Akii> couldn't resist
  • 20:20:58 <NamelessCoder> I lolled ^^
  • 20:21:45 <NamelessCoder> it's going to be a pain to test hehe
  • 20:22:23 <Akii> so what's the purpose?
  • 20:22:57 <NamelessCoder> one-stop solution to install every fluidtypo3 extension, prepare typoscript, generate a provider, install that provider, load the typoscript and then remove itself when done
  • 20:23:44 <Akii> I wonder if that one is idempotent
  • 20:23:56 <NamelessCoder> most definitely isn't :p
  • 20:24:34 <Akii> there will be one who thinks the install failed ^^
  • 20:24:53 <NamelessCoder> oh I'm sure there will be but let's see! :)
  • 20:25:00 <Akii> for science
  • 20:25:38 <NamelessCoder>
  • 20:25:39 <FT3BOT> YouTube: Professor Membrane - Its a Good Thing I Exist! (19s)
  • 20:25:47 <NamelessCoder> science!
  • 20:28:35 <Akii> that's a lot like alien isolation.. flip a switch, prevent disaster
  • 20:28:53 <NamelessCoder> lol I'm also playing that
  • 20:29:05 <Akii> I'm just watching
  • 20:29:18 <NamelessCoder> it's a rush but incredibly hard
  • 20:29:34 <Akii> freaking alien
  • 20:29:43 <NamelessCoder> want gtaV
  • 20:29:53 <NamelessCoder> own it for ps3, buying it the second it comes out for ps4
  • 20:30:02 <NamelessCoder> at which point you won't see me for a week
  • 20:30:07 <Akii> "the game is pretty, but I got over that one a long time ago." - streamer is not pleased :D
  • 20:30:14 <Akii> haha
  • 20:30:23 <Akii> well it is a good game from what I saw
  • 20:30:47 <NamelessCoder> everything about that game is awesome
  • 20:31:10 <NamelessCoder> has no sucky parts whatsoever (partly because there are no escort+protect missions)
  • 20:31:43 <NamelessCoder> and holy crap is one of the characters a crazy fucker. Trevor the Psycho
  • 20:31:50 <Akii> trevor ye
  • 20:32:08 <Akii> tbh his mom? no wonder
  • 20:32:40 <NamelessCoder> hehe
  • 20:32:45 <Akii> it's been a while since I saw the game
  • 20:32:49 <Akii> but ye.. good story
  • 20:32:55 <NamelessCoder> way too sick for mainstream society
  • 20:33:07 <Akii> you think? ^^
  • 20:33:22 <Akii> I mean sure.. he has no yosemite
  • 20:33:28 <Akii> or marverblah
  • 20:35:06 <Akii> not too much off mainstream
  • 20:35:24 <NamelessCoder> he's got guns and meth
  • 20:35:39 <Akii> heisenberg got meth too and I dare say hes become mainstream
  • 20:36:09 <NamelessCoder> which is kind of crazy because a hero, he's not :)
  • 20:38:23 <Akii> maybe not being a hero has become mainstream :o oh noes
  • 20:39:26 <NamelessCoder> break time - cya guys!
  • 20:40:02 <Akii> cya
  • 20:41:36 <Akii> haha
  • 20:41:42 <Akii> the irony
  • 21:01:45 <Outdoorsman> Okay... so if I don't use FlexForms with fluidbootstraptheme, how and where do I set the page configuration options?
  • 21:02:14 <Outdoorsman> Do I have to do it via a TS temple on each page I need modified?
  • 21:02:38 <Outdoorsman> correction... TS template, oops.
  • 21:08:43 <randomresult> Akii $oftware hast that feature built in.
  • 21:08:47 <randomresult> made my day. thx.
  • 21:12:51 <randomresult> Outdoorsman you can set it globally using constanteditor
  • 21:12:58 <randomresult> or per page disabling TS
  • 21:13:57 <Outdoorsman> I have to set local page overrides using a TS template with those constants though correct?
  • 21:17:08 <Outdoorsman> Thanks for the info.
  • 21:24:18 <randomresult> if i got you right, yes thats the way.
  • 21:30:39 <Akii> :D
  • 22:26:34 <randomresult> @bjo3rn still come to Essen?