09:47:36 <Guest|28185> Good morning. I've implemented v:page.header.link for shortcut icons on my site. It works fine in my Mac browsers, but my log files are reporting a LOT of 404s for the icons in IE, where the relative path for the files isn't respecting the base href. Is this a common problem?
11:25:31 <Denyerec> will that return it in a renderable state?
11:25:41 <Denyerec> Or do I need to pass it through renderCObj or something such
11:26:09 <NamelessCoder> v:content.render + contentElementUids for that
11:26:31 <NamelessCoder> I assumed "sniff out" meant check, not render ;)
11:27:39 <NamelessCoder> however, I just now thought of a way to make the content viewhelpers a bit nicer for this type of stuff
11:28:30 <Denyerec> Well... I could just throw it into a <p> tag
11:28:38 <Denyerec> as it's not SUPER important content
11:28:47 <Denyerec> but it'd be nicer if I could render the HTMLarea text as html properly I guess.
11:29:02 <Denyerec> How are you by the way? I've been awway for ages working on other things, I miss you guys :)
11:29:25 <NamelessCoder> you got pleeeenty options if you combine v:content.get and v:content.render - but you can of course also just access the raw values of the first record returned by v:content.get
11:29:57 <NamelessCoder> fine, thanks. Currently between projects (for another 7 days)
11:31:23 <NamelessCoder> nice how it can work out to fit a job to your skills, not vice versa :)
11:32:23 <NamelessCoder> thezet could you explain what you mean by "cannot choose another template" and what would be an "internal" page as opposed to a regular page?
11:32:50 <thezet> i use fluidtemplate... using templavoila i could create a new template and assign to one subpage
11:33:11 <thezet> but i don't get how to make it using fluidtemplate
11:34:43 <jmverges> thezet, did you create your provider extension?
11:35:05 <jmverges> did you run the update script?
11:35:21 <NamelessCoder> if you mean the FLUIDTEMPLATE cObject then that's not really our department. We (the team behind the extensions this channel is about) make extensions that allow you to do these things without using a lot of TypoScript (which is what you need to do if you use only FLUIDTEMPLATE). We document our extensions on fluidtypo3.org and you're welcome to give those a try - but I'm afraid time is precious and I can't offer my help teaching the use of
11:36:17 <NamelessCoder> in case you're using our extensions, check that you performed all steps in our guide to get started - creating provider extension, selecting page template, and so on.
11:38:36 <NamelessCoder> Akii not ready for show and tell yet. But in general terms, it's about a manifest-class strategy with more automation for defining stuff like plugins and modules
11:38:41 <thezet> NamelessCoder I followed the guide, everything works fine.. i jsut cannot understand how to make new template... should I create it in frame of existing extension?
11:39:08 <Akii> NamelessCoder: I thought it might be able to generate TCA/SQL stuff automagically as well
11:39:45 <NamelessCoder> thezet you create additional templates that you can select, simply by creating new files in your provider extension's folders for either Page or Content templates - Resources/Private/Templates is the location
11:40:14 <NamelessCoder> Akii already have that, or at least an abstraction that lets you do things much, much quicker than TCA
11:41:02 <Akii> it's a shame that the reflection service is so limited :(
11:41:12 <NamelessCoder> you can use Form instances as TCA now, and there's also a convention-based detection in place
11:42:44 <thezet> great, i created new template... i mean template file in /ext/extname/Resources/Private/Templates and layout in /ext/extname/Resources/Private/Layouts
11:44:44 <thezet> but in my Typoscript Setup and have 10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE 10 { file = fileadmin/template/index.html
11:45:32 <bjo3rn> thezet you are not using fluidpages?
11:47:39 <thezet> i followed this guide - https://worksonmymachine.org/blog/fluidtypo3-quickstart-part-2
11:48:33 <NamelessCoder> apparently you did another guide before that, because your setup currently isn't from our extensions
11:51:43 <thezet> well, i'm again in wrong place. I would be very appreciated if someone could explain me how to assign new template.
11:53:28 <thezet> i was searching in google, but seems that this is very confidential information which nobody dont want to share
11:53:56 <bjo3rn> thezet it's not confidential, it's too obvious maybe ^^
12:03:39 <bjo3rn> ok, to make the templates selectable you simply need to provide different form ids to the flux forms in the configuration section of each page tempalte
12:11:34 <thezet> I have selections -> LLL:EXT:karaoke/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:flux.Index and LLL:EXT:karaoke/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:flux.Subpage
13:08:56 <benjamin_654> hi, i have a extension "ext_x" and a extension "ext_y". ext_y overrides the templates folders for ext_x, so that all templates are located in /typo3conf/ext/ext_y/Resources/Private/[…]. When i now use the v:asset view helpers inside a relocated template from ext_x, it does not look in ext_y/Resources but in ext_x/Resources. How can i change that? I know that i could use "EXT:ext_y" in the path, but i would
13:08:57 <benjamin_654> like to know if there is a way to configure this globally..
13:11:57 <bjo3rn> benjamin_654 what about ext:view?
13:15:26 <bjo3rn> you are right. templates only, sorry
13:19:06 <benjamin_654> ah, i just noticed that i am using f:uri.resource to generate the asset path, i guess the extension folder is determined in this view helper ..
13:22:46 <benjamin_654> @bjo3rn but your idea could work some other way: maybe i could use ext:view to override the extensionName argument of the f:uri.resource view helper ..
14:10:59 <ndee> what's the easiest way to make a multi-dimensional array unique based on a subproperty? I can't wrap my head around the v:iterator.filter unfortunately :/
15:16:34 <benjamin_654> ste101: use fluidcontent when fluidcontent_core can not be used (for example if necessary fields are not available). by using fluidcontent_core you stay closer to the core than with using fluidcontent - so you might have less problems with other extensions ..
15:20:19 <NamelessCoder> the shortest possible explanation: fluidcontent_core renders the core's CTypes one template per type, fluidcontent renders its own CType which has a field that determines which template you render.
15:20:46 <NamelessCoder> you want an additional element type? use fluidcontent.
15:21:04 <NamelessCoder> you want to modify a core element type? use fluidcontent_core (or stick with CSC if you prefer)
16:38:00 <danilobuerger> couple of months ago i did a lot in my templates... i reduced that by a lot.. my vhs usage is basically down to assets and content / menu rendering
16:38:29 <danilobuerger> more lifting in controllers...
19:14:03 <danilobuerger> there isnt a build in command, but there are several extensions that provide one, alternatively just do some rms and truncate yourself in a bash script