10:21:38 <Kaimane> Good morning guys. Using TYPO3 6.2.5 and vhs, flux, fluidpages, fluidcontent from TER, fluidcontent_core from github (dev branch). Installed fluidbootstraptheme and chose a page template. Cleared all caches after that. In BE module web -> page on all pages I didn't see the specific backend layout but cols "left, normal, right and border". What do I wrong?
10:24:19 <Akii> did you select the fluid backend layout?
10:26:27 <cedricziel> mrboe: it seems. yesterday 23:05:50
10:26:41 <Kaimane> Akii: Yes. Selected fluid backend layout "standard page" from fluidbootstraptheme. Nothing happened. Selected fluid backend layout from my own extension but nothing happened in backend. Still get "left, normal, ...".
10:26:59 <cedricziel> nono, select the layout "fluidpages"
10:31:12 <Kaimane> cedricziel: oh, that's new to me. Found it. And now backend layout works! Great. That you very much cedricziel! Since when do I have to choose backend layout "fluidpages" in appearance tab?
10:31:35 <cedricziel> since we implemented a standard-wise backendlayout dataprovider
10:31:47 <cedricziel> that way we align more with "how it should be"
10:31:55 <cedricziel> since the last release i think
10:33:01 <Kaimane> I worked on other thinks last six weeks. I have not noticed it :-( My fault.
10:33:14 <Kaimane> But thanks very much for that hint. Didnt know that.
11:24:07 <ndee_> is it possible to pass an object to a v:asset.script through the arguments? How can I then access the data in the script itself?
11:25:23 <cedricziel> if it has fluid=true, then yes. pass your arguments in the array form and you should be done
12:00:11 <nimius|thephpjo> I have a slight issue using a fluidcontent_bootstrap inspired grid FCE: Content added to one column are added to every column
12:00:31 <nimius|thephpjo> Is this an issue or am I the issue?
12:02:07 <nimius|thephpjo> https://gist.github.com/thephpjo/545eb462dd9f1f4cf533 <= my FCE, using TYPO3 6.2.4 and flux 7.1.0
12:04:12 <NamelessCoder> nimius|thephpjo no more flux:form.content inside flux:grid.column
12:12:47 <nimius|thephpjo> thanks, i will try that
21:43:34 <Hennes> is there a way to set templateRootPath in ext_tables.php?