09:20:48 <ulrikkold> mrboe, thanks - I joined that :)
09:26:33 <ndee_> anyoen encountered a problem with the page module that it takes around 4 seconds to load if there are a couple of FCEs on the page? In flux, the caching is enabled (the checkbox in the extension manager NOT checked). There are around 20 FCEs on the page
12:28:20 <gbod> Hi! Any simple ideas out there on how to get the fluidpages template name as a class name for the opening html tag.
12:29:53 <gbod> Additional info: I figured it out for the body tag using just fluid and a page.bodyTag > in TypoScript.
12:41:26 <momodedf> Hello ! Is there any knowned issud with the latests typo3 version ? cause I tried to make a provider on a fresh install with builder and I get no backend grid
12:42:13 <gbod> momodedf: You have to set the Backend layout to Fluidpages in the apearance tab in page settings.
14:09:03 <ulrikkold> Could somebody help me produce valid markup for a news viewhelper? I'm trying to include an overwriteDemand GET param in a detail view link.
14:09:27 <ulrikkold> (moment, there will be a gist ...)
14:10:44 <drlimbo> it's the first time we have to realize a search-function with Fluid Typo3 and i just wanted to ask if anyone of you have some tipps?
14:10:59 <drlimbo> we tought about indexed_search, or is there a better way already?
14:12:09 <ulrikkold> what version of TYPO3 are you using? the crawler is AFAIR not ready to use with 6.2
14:20:00 <ulrikkold> drlimbo, what version of TYPO3 are you using? the crawler is AFAIR not ready to use with 6.2
14:20:28 <drlimbo> ulrikkold: we'r using 6.2 with Fluid Typo3
14:20:47 <drlimbo> that was my next question, how about crawling fluidt3 contents?
14:21:45 <ulrikkold> I think that's no problem as the crawler surfs your site and indexes the content. The rendering of the tt_content elements has nothing to do with that (somebody, correct me if I'm very wrong here...)
14:22:59 <drlimbo> mhh, i thought its much easier if indexed_search will crawl the Database and not the "frontend crawler stuff"
14:23:22 <drlimbo> and you talk about the indexed search crawler is not ready for 6.2?
14:24:05 <ulrikkold> drlimbo, yes, here's the ticket https://forge.typo3.org/issues/55106
14:40:00 <ulrikkold> We have decided to use a google search form for the projects I am working on recently
14:47:32 <drlimbo> ulrikkold: the google sitesearch?
14:47:45 <drlimbo> or the "real professional very high-price search-thing from google"?
14:55:28 <ulrikkold> basically just the site search ...
14:56:16 <ulrikkold> Google will index your site anyway (I guess), so we plan to just style the result page and use site search
14:58:09 <ulrikkold> What is the inline equivalent of using the f:for viewhelper? I cannot wrap my head around how to operate on the items in the loop?
14:59:47 <ulrikkold> i.e. how do I convert this to inline notation: <f:for each="{items} as="item" iteration="itr"><f:if condition="{itr.isLast}"><f:then>Last</f:then><f:else>Not the last<f:else></f:if></f:for>?
15:00:49 <drlimbo> mh, i didnt think this is the best solution to use google sitesearch ulrikkold - just for small projects with a low budget its ok
15:01:55 <ulrikkold> drlimbo, AFAIK the solr indexing server is an alternative to the ordinary crawler
15:02:16 <drlimbo> yup, but you have to "rent" an external SOLR server for every project
16:47:40 <pedda> Xatenev using images via fluid is very simple, first you need to know which viewhelper you want to use (you didn't tell as any of the proper ones), secondly set the path as if you would access it from browser, define some alt attribute (this is mandatory) and you sould be fine
17:45:26 <jmverges> hey folks, I restarted yesterday my life with TYPO3. So I have a instalation if FluidPowered. I got modify MyPageTemplate and add columns and I can add normal CE's like text, however when I add MyContentElement this is not renderend in the Frontend. Any tip for me?
18:01:36 <rosieres> jmverges: get used to <f:debug>{_all}</f:debug> to check if your variables get filled. Always a good try.
18:33:20 <NamelessCoder> jmverges don't forget to include the VHS namespace and actually render your content, using v:content.render or others
18:36:07 <jmverges> NamelessCoder, that is done in MyPageTemplate
18:36:47 <jmverges> I'n MyContentElement.html I have <f:section name="Main">Hello world!</f:section>
18:37:21 <jmverges> and more above, but I'm don't see Hello World!
18:38:29 <NamelessCoder> using fluidcontent_core? Forgot to run the extension update script?
18:58:20 <jmverges> NamelessCoder, is very interesting this approach. I will need some time but I think that I could at least recreate some way of work that I had with TV.
19:12:58 <ulrikkold> I guess somebody here could guide me through using the For ViewHelper through inline notation? I have trouble wrapping my head around how I mimic the normal notation with <f:for ><f:if><f:then></f:then><f:else></f:else></f:if></f:for> - I am using this in ext:news to include the categories in the link to the detail view.
19:20:59 <NamelessCoder> {f:render(section: 'SectionName') -> f:for(each: blah, as: 'var')} and having <f:section name="SectionName">{var.someproperty}</f:section>
19:21:14 <ulrikkold> randomresult, let me just read that again: I asked for the For vh :-)
19:22:32 <NamelessCoder> ulrikkold you can chain f:if as well but you will be VERY limited in what you can actually render... example, {f:if(condition: 1, then: 'Yessir, {object.property}', else: 'No sir, {object.property}') -> f:for(each: objects, as: 'object')}
19:22:35 <ulrikkold> NamelessCoder, I guess my trouble with this is actually the arrow notation ... "->"
19:22:50 <NamelessCoder> ulrikkold this pseudo explains it:
19:26:16 <randomresult> ulrikkold welcome - go get some
19:26:23 <NamelessCoder> there's just no way you can do stuff like that with plain fluid
19:26:45 <NamelessCoder> any approximation would be clumsy at best
19:27:00 <ulrikkold> NamelessCoder, I was actually looking into v:iterator this evening but could not see the solution in that one. I need more training hours with Fluid :-)
19:27:29 <NamelessCoder> this inline voodoo requires a bit of background knowledge to know *why* it actually works ;)
19:27:46 <ulrikkold> yup - and I did not find any docs for that part :)
19:27:50 <NamelessCoder> the example above would extract every UID value of categories and implode them as CSV
19:28:07 <NamelessCoder> it's unfeasible to document every conceivable use case ;)
19:29:59 <randomresult> jmverges i dont think fluidbackend is up to date...
19:30:08 <NamelessCoder> fluidbackend is one year behind the others
19:30:16 <ulrikkold> oh, and the next question / issue - how do I get rid of uid = 1in that csv? Not index=1, but uid=1 ... that one has a "special meaning" ...
19:31:42 <ulrikkold> I may have to rethink the category strategy ...
19:31:53 <NamelessCoder> it does sound a bit like that ;)
19:32:21 <NamelessCoder> you could use v:iterator.filter
19:32:25 <ulrikkold> but that was my initial plan: category uid = 1 was meant for the news items that should be displayed in a special box on the frontpage.
20:02:52 <jmverges> sorry xaver, I didn't understand
20:05:18 <ulrikkold> NamelessCoder, I'm afraid I did not understand enough of the filtering bit: do I separate the different arguments for filter() with commas? And where in the sequence do I insert it? I tried a couple of positions and did not get the desired result?
21:32:35 <NamelessCoder> ulrikkold back again, sry.
21:33:11 <NamelessCoder> inline arguments are always separated by commas, e.g. {array -> v:iterator.filter(filter: 1, invert: TRUE)}
21:33:43 <NamelessCoder> in this case you would filter to match a value of "1" but invert the result so that all values that are NOT "1" are included
21:34:50 <NamelessCoder> if you follow the rule that this category is always set as the first category you can just {newsItems.categories -> v:iterator.slice(start: 1) -> v:iterator.extract(key: 'uid') -> v:iterator.implode()}
21:35:20 <NamelessCoder> yes, TRUE as value of a boolean node is allowed
21:36:33 <Akii> it's been {true} for a while afair ^^
21:56:55 <NamelessCoder> I see "true" in the list of reserved variable names but I see no magic methods that would fill that variable reference with any value
22:13:48 <NamelessCoder> since "true" etc. are already restricted variable names, why not make ObjectAccessorNode support those and return the appropriate type?
22:37:16 <gbod> NamelessCoder - currently i'm crawling through the vhs - just to get some insights into the iterator you mentioned some hours ago. Maybe there'll be others of these kind of PRs. I like to read code. ;)
22:40:58 <NamelessCoder> gbod check your messages ;)