11:51:29 <robsonrobi> May be someone can give me some help. I am using flux, fluidpages, fluidcontent and vhs in a TYPO3 6.2 system. Works like a charme, but i am confronted with one problem. Havin a content element on page Tools->A and use that element as a reference on subpages Tools->B, Tools->C. Changing the reference element on Tools->A the view in the backend on T
11:51:29 <robsonrobi> ools->B and Tools->C is not updated, in the frontend everything is fine, only the backend shows f.e old pictures of the referenced element
11:52:07 <robsonrobi> Updating the reference index did not help. any ideas?
12:57:34 <randomresult> fluidcontetn_core is not released yet right?
12:57:36 <NamelessCoder> sorry ThomasBen - we don't yet have any ViewHelpers to support that particular use case
12:58:25 <NamelessCoder> ThomasBen there is one way you can do this: use a controller (for your content or page template "action") and in the controller action, load those categories using the category API.
12:58:47 <NamelessCoder> ThomasBen see http://fluidtypo3.org/documentation/templating-manual/advanced-provider-extensions/custom-flux-controllers/use-cases-for-controllers.html about custom controllers
12:59:08 <NamelessCoder> randomresult no, it is not released yet. A couple elements still need to be created but the team does not have time
13:02:10 <Guest|58546> and this <v:if stack="{0: '{questionIteration.cycle % 7}', 1: '==', 2: 0}">
13:03:05 <NamelessCoder> robsonrobi when you update the *reference* you're updating a separate tt_content record. If you need to "branch" off, create a new copy of the original element to replace the one you made as a reference. Or, if you are trying to update the original element, either locate that element using the page module or (this is from memory so forgive me if I'm wrong aboutit being there) you can use the "edit" wizard on the field that points to the
13:30:54 <mrboe> hey NamelessCoder, i have tow extensions the first contains 2 pagetemplates with flux:form enabled="false", the second ext overrides the first with view and the pagetemplate has flux:form enabled="true" but but it dont work - it this not possible to do?
13:32:47 <mrboe> also override the "label" is not possible for me
13:35:30 <NamelessCoder> if they are overlays only the topmost overlay page template's enbabled flag is respected
13:36:16 <NamelessCoder> although... I'm not sure the overlays apply at the level where the available templates are determined
13:41:03 <mrboe> so you think it should work? or not?
13:42:51 <NamelessCoder> I really don't know. There's too much code to keep it all in memory.
13:43:16 <mrboe> because everything else inside the flux:form could be changed by the "second" ext
13:44:02 <mrboe> only values of flux:form seems to be ignored
13:44:22 <Cash2m> Hi... how do i render the images selected with <flux:field.inline.fal multiple="TRUE" /> ?
13:45:02 <mrboe> @Cash2m have a look https://github.com/bootstraptheme-for-typo3/fluidbootstraptheme/blob/development/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/ImageGallery.html
13:46:23 <NamelessCoder> mrboe try debugging which template filename and paths (+ overlays) returned by the Provider and View classes of Flux
13:52:05 <Cash2m> @mrboe okay cool.. any special way to treat the "link" field or does it require some own logic?
14:30:49 <Guest|73567> im creating a custum content and i want a select field
14:31:05 <Guest|73567> int his select field i want to select content from multiple table
14:31:17 <Guest|73567> but i cant find a flux form for this
14:31:42 <Guest|73567> flux:field.relation work on 1 table only
14:31:53 <Guest|73567> does someone know if we can do a multiple select
14:44:15 <Guest|73567> can someone help me plz? :)
14:44:32 <randomresult> Guest|73567 sorry. i cant. i would. but i cant
14:48:18 <robsonrobi> it seems that TYPO3 needs really long when saving an fce. Before updating vhs, fluidpages,fluidcontent and vhs it seems that the performance was better. does anyone has the same problems?
14:51:57 <fger> did you enable some beta-features in flux/fluidpages/vhs etc ? did you disables flexform/fluid caching ?
14:56:01 <robsonrobi> i will look into vhs, flexform cahcing is on.
14:56:40 <robsonrobi> where are possible beta features in vhs enabled?
14:57:51 <randomresult> can someone confirm that with the latest TER versions Copy and Paste is not working?
14:58:20 <robsonrobi> the paste icon is now on the right side next to the pencil.
14:59:01 <robsonrobi> and if you want to paste it after a specific element you have to click on the element icon and then you fave a context menu paster after...
15:51:27 <fger> or just enhance, so that you can feed the {record} obj and the VH looks for a _LOCALIZED_UID property to be set and the current sys_language_uid and fetches the overlayed record
15:51:43 <fger> make the feature then switchable by attribute and here u go :)
15:51:50 <fger> i guess i will do a pull request for that