06:58:47 <Momodedf> looks like you have a nesting probleme on Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! in /var/www/master.fluidtypo3.org/TYPO3.CMS/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/GeneralUtility.php on line 4325
10:51:52 <Kaimane> When I add a field ( <flux:field.inline.fal name="settings.headerLogos" multiple="true" maxItems="10" /> ) for page configuration in my Default.html fluidpages template the field is rendered in page configuration as expected. But if I choose some files for subpages and go to a subpage in FE {v:page.resources.fal(field: 'settings.headerLogos')} is empty. What did I wrong?
11:13:30 <Kaimane> After clearing the fe-cache and go to a subpage I can debug the array once. If I go to the subpage a second time settings.headerLogosMake is empty as before. The logo I chose on the parent page will be also in the page configuration of the subpage; in both page configuration (this and subpages). Tab for subpages has a yellow exclamation mark which means I can't save my settings.
11:14:01 <Kaimane> Could you give me a hint to fix that problem?
11:16:37 <rosieres> Kaimane: This should bring you to the direction .> http://www.snip2code.com/Snippet/137836/Gallery-FCE-as-example-how-to-use-fal-im
11:21:48 <oschulz> i created an ContentController.php in my extension folder, extending \FluidTYPO3\Fluidcontent\Controller\AbstractContentController, i also added an Topslider.html to Content folder.. the CE gets renderd finde but when i add public function topsliderAction to my custom controller to load additional stuff, nothing happens
11:22:30 <oschulz> did i miss some init functions ?
11:48:12 <macro11> hey guys, is there a working view helper/example for the responsive picture element (e.g. picturefill)
11:49:49 <macro11> I've found this line in the irc logs: <bjo3rn> well, I don't know the functionality in 6.2. some time ago I created a content element using picturefill.js
11:50:26 <bjo3rn> hi macro11, one sec, I'll post a gist.
11:55:33 <macro11> seams to be more flexible as i would need it - but a very good starting point
11:56:40 <drlimbo> i have a flux:flexform.field.file with inherit="0" in my page settings, but in the Backend this will show me two fields (current page / subpages)
11:56:54 <drlimbo> i thought with inherit=0 the subpages will be disabled?
11:57:14 <drlimbo> is there another way to hide the "subpages" section?
12:02:08 <rosieres> WTF is the purpose of image="[FileInterface|AbstractFileFolder] -> https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/fluid/master/Uri/ImageViewHelper.html ?
12:09:48 <oschulz> hey i found the problem for my content controller problem, in tt_content:tx_fed_fcefile is set wrong, Bsp my_extkey:Slider.html ... this gives me a wrong class path with underscores, so without namespacing
12:11:58 <drlimbo> whats the best way to "show" some RTE-Content (Formatings & Links) in the Frontend?
12:12:38 <drlimbo> v:format.plaintext doesn't wrap my links and removes <p> Tags
12:30:02 <oschulz> the extkey always goes throug GeneralUtility::camelCaseToLowerCaseUnderscored when showing avaible Fces
12:34:40 <Kaimane> rosieres: thank you for the link to snip2code. But that is not exact what I described. I would like to use flux:field.inline.fal for page configuration in my fluidpages template not as a content element.
12:41:13 <Kaimane> And if I use that field for page configuration then I got the cautious as I described above.
13:08:21 <Momodedf> have you ever tried to get a value in an array form a variable
13:08:58 <Momodedf> I mean i have an array define like this {v:variable.set(name: 'strType', value: {0: 'BigButton', 1: 'SidebarInline', 2: 'FramedBlock', 3: 'ArrowButton'})} et I wld like to get the value at index {typeInt}
13:29:34 <oschulz> in point 3 you have to add an ClassAliasMap.php in order to use alle features of fluidcontnent
13:30:19 <oschulz> this is crazy, "Rule of thumb is: the higher your TYPO3 core version is, the less likely it is you will need the alias map" this is absolutely WRONG
13:51:32 <bjo3rn> Momodedf {v:variable.get(name: 'strType.{typeInt}')} see https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/vhs/master/Variable/GetViewHelper.html
14:03:33 <macro11> hi! is there a way to define a section in a common file and include them in two different content elments: <f:render section="imageres" arguments="{_all}" />
14:30:53 <macro11> thanks Momodedf: seams to be the thing i'm looking for :)
14:33:12 <macro11> i'm wondering: i've created my prodiver extension with builder. in typoscript the partial path is configured, but the folder itself isn't created
15:07:16 <rosieres> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fd2736f0ff31e8ec3cd6 the image src is prepended by ../ in BE Preview. How can I get rid of that?
15:09:08 <gbod> rosieres: Is it in main section prepended too?