00:06:30 <Outdoorsman> Hello everyone. How can I have my provider extension have its own automatic backend layout without having to add a Backend Layout record? Can't I just use Flux?
00:07:57 <NamelessCoder> the answer is: select fluidpages as backend layout on your topmost page, then make sure your page template contains a flux:grid or alternatively one flux:form.content
00:08:18 <NamelessCoder> no need to add the record but you do need to select the "Fluidpages" pseudo-record
00:35:31 <Outdoorsman> NamelessCoder, thank you... again! That is soooo cool. The flexibility of creating your own layout is awesome, I have it just how I want now but didn't see the documentation on how to activate it by setting fluidpages for the layout.
12:18:08 <cedricziel> the simple answer is (like with all composer related questions you guys asked in the last 6 months): the cms wouldnt be able to handle this due to the lack of implementation
12:30:44 <randomresult> it was my first composer question! stupid maybe, but my first