09:13:36 <jmverges> I'm sick of it. I just want to finish it and start to develop that is my work !
09:15:46 <gbod> jmverges: All I can say about it is that it runs really smooth on my machines, well, after switching from rsync to folder sharing. But that's a homgenic machine park with only fruit logo styled computers.
10:36:10 <jmverges> I didn' work for the last two years with TYPO3 and I'm just trying to get a vagrant now
10:40:20 <gbod> Let's create a jmverges-award for putting the term vagrant in every single sentence mankind can imagine. *scnr* Come on, xaver, show some mercy.
12:01:00 <randomresult> is there a way to make the RTE in a FCE respecting the global settings. My FCe show all the buttons and options. when using a normal textelemet (CSC) my settings work.
12:01:25 <cedricziel> if you need virtualisation, use a slim docker container, other than that, vagrant sucks big time regarding the amount of files generated
12:03:05 <cedricziel> another way would be to cut the sync and use rsync with --delete as shared folder option
12:18:06 <jmverges> xaver, I'm so sorry about all the noise that I created mate.
12:18:29 <jmverges> at the end I have it working fine
12:35:02 <Guest|76229> anybody here with fluidpages experience? i configured everything like in the manual, but my custom content element only appears in backend, but nothing happens in the frontend. the section main in my content element does not render
12:35:52 <Guest|76229> when i remove \FluidTYPO3\Flux\Core::registerProviderExtensionKey('iq_gruppe', 'Page');\FluidTYPO3\Flux\Core::registerProviderExtensionKey('iq_gruppe', 'Content');
12:36:16 <Guest|76229> page layout renders still fine, this is wired
12:45:02 <cedricziel> alright; do you use fluidcontent_core?
12:45:05 <NamelessCoder> update fluidcontent_core and make sure you ran the extension manager upgrade script. Make sure your page template uses VHS and has at least one v:content.render referring to your column
13:20:14 <oschulz> ok, i tried it all, cleared the chaches, nothing works
13:21:20 <oschulz> another question is why all labels are in backend empty? when i want to select my CE i have to select an empty label
13:25:50 <Guest|19166> have anyone here an answer for my problem?
13:32:18 <oschulz> sry, never tried jumplinks, did you set controller and action paramter?
13:32:48 <oschulz> also try to delete all caches including Cache directory in typo3temp
14:54:53 <beo6> i dont know what i did wrong but i suddenly get the error: Fatal error: Call to a member function getSingle() on a non-object in /var/www/clients/client1/web100/web/typo3conf/ext/fluidpages/Classes/Controller/AbstractPageController.php on line 104
14:55:35 <beo6> i only worked on one extension. But even when i remove it now the error stays
14:56:28 <beo6> ah. maybe i am in the wrong channel. sorry
15:04:03 <NamelessCoder> beo6 most likely need to clear all caches, possibly need to do it from install tool
15:04:24 <NamelessCoder> and/or you updated fluidpages to a new minor version without also updating flux
15:13:40 <ruben> Hello, i'am currently using this snippit to get the grid of a content element:
15:13:48 <papillon6> Hi! I'm struggling with the language_fallback with fluidpages/fluidcontent. config.sys_language_mode is set to 'content_fallback;1,0' and config.sys_language_overlay = 1, but no content is shown on translated pages. Did i miss something?
15:14:20 <ruben> but i cant get the content-areas out of $grid
15:16:31 <NamelessCoder> ruben assuming you pass the correct template file and configuration section name, $grid will be an instance of FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\Container\Grid with children attached.
15:18:06 <NamelessCoder> ruben there are two ways to process this data: using the OOP, $rows = $grid->getRows(), $columns = $row->getColumns() and so on. Alternatively call $asArray = $grid->build(); and access the resulting array. Depending on your use case the second solution may be faster on your end, but the first solution should perform better if you only need to read for example names of all columns.
15:18:49 <NamelessCoder> ruben note: beware you don't step in the trap of using flux:form.content inside flux:grid.column; this is deprecated. See blog at https://fluidtypo3.org
15:21:18 <papillon6> Does fluidpages/fluidcontent support language_fallback at all?
15:28:42 <beo6> NamelessCoder: thx. updated everything except Flux. Now still same error in frontend and additionally the error Undefined class constant 'OPTION_ICON' in /var/www/clients/client1/web100/web/typo3conf/ext/fluidcontent/Classes/Service/ConfigurationService.php on line 382 in backend.
15:30:22 <NamelessCoder> if you update fluidcontent/fluidpages without also updating flux you risk breakage, especially if minor versions differ
15:30:47 <beo6> i checked. according to the ext manager i have 7.1.0 installed
15:31:30 <beo6> might be there a problem when i update everything to the dev branch?
15:32:13 <NamelessCoder> https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/fluidcontent/blob/development/Classes/Service/ConfigurationService.php#L30 and https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/fluidcontent/blob/development/Classes/Service/ConfigurationService.php#L382 - in other words, it all checks out if your versions match.
15:33:05 <NamelessCoder> if you have opcode caching make sure you flush it
15:35:41 <papillon6> content is rendered with vhs - <v:content.render ...> this viewhelper has an attribute "hideUntranslated", but it seems to have no effect on my problem. well, the documentation says default behaviour is to show untranslated elements. Don't have a clue what's wrong here. Any suggestions? (Using current git-versions of vhs/fluidpages/fluidcontent)
15:37:58 <beo6> ok. backend works again. Now i get the error: Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: FluidTYPO3\Flux\Service\FluxService::$friendlySeverities in /var/www/clients/client1/web100/web/typo3conf/ext/flux/Classes/Service/FluxService.php on line 433 in frontend
15:38:57 <NamelessCoder> something is throwing an error bug you also found a bug it seems
15:38:58 <beo6> ah wait. the error also comes on pages with content in the backend
15:40:21 <ruben> NamelessCoder i've got the columns allready but there are the flux.contents in the columns, can i access these ones without migrating the templates to the "new" way?
15:41:18 <NamelessCoder> ruben no, you can't. flux:form.content generates a new grid and will conflict with flux:grid
15:45:33 <beo6> NamelessCoder: i added protected static $friendlySeverities = array(); to FluxService. Now i get the frontend again. It looks horrible but maybe something in flux etc. has changed
15:46:11 <NamelessCoder> hard to know without knowing what "horrible" means
15:46:41 <Akii> music by justin bieber, that's horrible
15:47:25 <beo6> i think it is a problem with the css. so nothing big i think
15:47:37 <batjony> guys i am trying to install the latest fluid dev extensions
15:47:59 <batjony> and I see fluidpages wants flux 7.1.1
15:48:01 <beo6> yeah. seems it does not load the css for that part of the pagetree.
16:09:17 <NamelessCoder> I mean, I get the math but not why you ask?
16:10:10 <papillon6> Hm, i tracked the language-fallback-problem down. Deinstalled fluidpages and voilà: fallback works like a charme. fluidcontent-elements do "fallack" also.
16:12:12 <beo6> NamelessCoder: you too. i love your work.
16:12:28 <NamelessCoder> you really want me to take 2nd grade again? Your extremely cheap and probably machine manufactored content element costs €0.10
16:13:09 <batjony> NamelessCoder: you are wrong :) 0.10 is not the correct answer :)
16:29:11 <bamo> My Problem with fluid_content_grids is that i cant see anything in the frontend. At the backend is everything allright. I did include the static template of fluid_content_grids.
16:44:52 <denis-fluid> danilobuerger: Ok that works now. But when using f:format.raw it doesn't output me a simple <p>lorem…</p>. It only outputs the "lorem…". The paragraph tag is missing.
16:45:47 <denis-fluid> On the other hand when adding a simple list to the RTE. The output is correct.
16:46:02 <danilobuerger> maybe you are not saving the <p> in rte
16:47:00 <cedricziel> an rte field would be parsed with f:format.html so it gets rendered through a parseFunc
16:47:05 <denis-fluid> In the RTE I can see the paragraph tag when switching to the code mode. But in the output every p is dropped.
16:55:41 <cedricziel> if your IDE adds spaces to <f:format.html> {text} <.... you'll get empty p's
16:56:15 <morgenthau> Or is there any other easy way to output the file extension of a tx_news media asset? (besides v.media.extension)
16:58:04 <gbod> morgenthau if it's only the slash in front of the src you can <v:format.trim /> it
17:00:39 <oschulz> hey all, i made a fresh install of fluidpages and fluidcontent, i made an provider extionsion via builder, included all typscript via template record... whe the heck the contnent elements doesent render in frontend ?
17:02:21 <Akii> oschulz: well do you render the columns in the page template?
17:02:26 <morgenthau> gbod, thanks for the hint! unfortunately, i can't find any good examples online. Could you tell me how to use it?
17:03:07 <oschulz> yes, normal content elements appear as normal
17:03:19 <oschulz> just the custum elements doesent render
17:03:55 <Akii> do you render something in the Main section of your custom content elements?
17:04:14 <oschulz> yes i render just the text "foo"
17:05:06 <oschulz> i can create the CE as normal in BE... the section Main is ignored
17:06:32 <oschulz> it references to Layouts/Layout.html
17:07:55 <gbod> bamo: if fluid_content_grid is the version from Github then it needs an ancient version of flux and maybe vhs. :) give https://github.com/bootstraptheme-for-typo3/fluidbootstraptheme a try
17:38:55 <danilobuerger> wagner51 well there you have it, if for that content element there is nothing in tx_fed_fcefile then it cant find a content template. you need to assign one in the backend by editing the content element and selecting one in the select box "Fluid Content type"
17:39:09 <danilobuerger> Akii its always cache or configuration
17:39:24 <Akii> and it's always asked at the end :D
17:40:15 <Guest|47843> Hey guys, i build a FCE with a grid row to put contents in. How can i make it possible to close this fce in the backend? Dont know how to explain exactly. But with "templavoila" it was possible to toggle the contents inside a FCE. Someone knows what i mean? :D
17:40:33 <gbod> Akii It must be asked in the end otherwise it won't be the solution :D
17:41:56 <gbod> Guest|47843 What do you mean with toggle? On and Off?
17:42:44 <wagner51> @danilobuerger You say I have to select 'Special > Fluid content' in the content type list? But if I want a simple text content?
17:43:09 <Guest|47843> @ gbod i mean to hide and show the contents
17:43:54 <danilobuerger> Guest|47843 of the preview in the backend?
17:44:55 <gbod> Guest|47843 ehem, put content into your container an then there should be your toggle buttons.
17:45:00 <cedricziel> would be easier to diagnose if there was a pastebin
17:46:31 <Guest|47843> yes the preview no there is no button :x
17:46:37 <gbod> Guest|47843 Do you mean hiding it just in the backend to get more screen estate?
17:47:29 <beo6> Guest|47843: it was hiding the content with javascript. nothing fancy.
17:47:54 <Guest|47843> yes. i have in the preview section of my fce "flux:widget.grid". in This grid i put contents and with templaVoila it was possible to close and open this grid
17:48:14 <danilobuerger> actually Guest|47843 that feature seems to be broken
17:48:30 <beo6> never knew what this could be for. When i edit a page normally i want to see the content. :)
17:48:46 <Guest|47843> @beo6 cause my contents are too long
17:48:54 <gbod> beo6 but sometimes there are loads of them
17:49:00 <Guest|47843> @beo6 just to close this contents which i wont edit
17:51:02 <Guest|47843> @danilobuerger okay... but can you tell me the correct bug? :D cant describe it
17:52:00 <danilobuerger> sure t3-page-ce is never set to active on hover since custom typo3pageModule.js is not included anymore since the backend override was removed thus hiding the content toggle forever
17:53:34 <Guest|47843> oh wow ok :) Thank you very much!
18:00:22 <wagner51> danilobuerger I updated flux, fluidpages and fluidcontent and my error message has gone... for the moment ;)
18:05:42 <oschulz> gbod, yes there is <v:content.render column="0"/> in page template
18:06:22 <oschulz> when i enter an header in FCE its rendered
18:22:41 <cedricziel> oschulz: could you please pass a pastebin?
18:23:22 <cedricziel> i see youre having trouble, but my magic bowl is getting cleaned atm