10:42:44 <randomresult> i am building a breadcrumb and i dont want the hidden in menu pages to be shown.
10:42:50 <randomresult> i use this: <v:page.breadCrumb class="breadcrumb" tagName="ol" showHiddenInMenu="0" />
11:01:18 * NamelessCoder_ harry if I recall, this single menu VH won't respect this flag simply because it's impossible to render a root line of pages which are "hidden in menu". Perhaps the bug here is that the root line rendering doesn't stop or is not prevented when the inheritance tree contains hidden entries.
14:14:14 <Guest2439> but every time i tri to create, modifi a page/content i got this error'No page template selected and no template was inherited from parent page(s) '
14:14:44 <cedricziel> did you select the fluidpages on the appearance tab?
14:24:57 <Guest2439> so i need a fluidpages template in order to display the page, but why i cant even edit pages property, when i click on it to change the appearence i still got this error
14:25:18 <Guest2439> i have installed bootstrapthem
14:26:20 <cedricziel> the slider eases to the specified height
14:26:46 <cedricziel> you would need the images to have the same height at least
16:34:48 <Guest|54014> hi, i have a problem with activation the vhs extension after installing it. the extension is listed in the extension manager as active but i'm not able to use is inside fluid.
17:01:11 <Guest|54014> i just deactivated through the manager and when i reload the page, i get the error that it cant find the viewhelper classes. so it seems to find them, it just wont print anything.
17:15:39 <Guest|Matt18> Hi, Could anyone help with a prpblem I have. I am creating a multi site instance with fluidtypo3. Each site will have a seperate theme using both fluidpages and fluidcontent. How can I restrict each site to only show one set of page/content templates and not both?
17:41:22 <Guest|92221> Dear all, I am using v:page.menu.browse and want to stop rendering the menu if the parent page is from doktype sys_folder (do not show "up" link if the parent is a sys_folder). How can I access this data? How can I retrieve if the parent is a sys_folder? Thank you all!
17:51:55 <Guest|92221> Somebody here to give me a hint (see above)?
17:55:00 <Guest|81606> whats up can anyone help me here or not??
18:14:47 <Guest|66690> Good afternoon, how do i create a user on this Chat?...
18:20:41 <rosieres> this is irc ... you nee an irc client
18:22:18 <rosieres> Guest|66690 -> you need an irc client
18:24:31 <Guest|66690> Ok, any link to irc from here?
18:39:33 <crewcut> Thanks to rosieres for the link, now i joined too!
18:43:47 <crewcut> A few days ago i posted following problem as a guest: Using latest updated version and TYPO 6.2.5. Created my own content template in the (/Private/Templates/Content/ImageHolder.html). Icon shows up in the Boostrap tab as expected, but no labels from the Language file in my own extension. If i do the same in fluidbootstraptheme the labels are shown. Any hints why my labels does not shot up (exact same files in both extension)?
20:29:30 <crewcut> I have this select field on a page, with the purpose of setting a class for a background css: <flux:field.select items="light,dark,transparent" name="settings.BackGround"/>
20:30:15 <crewcut> and this is getting the field value: class="{settings.BackGround}"
20:31:10 <crewcut> It does fetch the first value, but i cannot change the value - so where does the template get the value from?