10:31:14 <denis-fluid> I got one question again. Is it possible to reproduce something like "kb_tv_cont_slide" from Templa Voila with Fluid Powered Typo3. This means that I want to auto render the content of the pages parent page automatically when no content is defined in the page itself.
10:38:37 <denis-fluid> randomresult: If I define content on this page this gets rendered. If I define no content the slide is active and gets the content from the parent page.
10:38:51 <denis-fluid> randomresult: Yeah that's it. :-) Fine.
10:46:51 <denis-fluid> Mmmh one thing I'm not quite sure if it has to do with the fluid extensions.
10:47:21 <randomresult> tell us. maybe we can "fix"
10:50:53 <denis-fluid> One example. We have a footer and the footer has a headline. I know that I can setup the headline text to be translated to different languages in the provider extension. (xlf files etc.) But this means that the text itself is hard coded inside the extension. We have the request to be able to change the headlines live in the backend. (i18n should be possible as well for sure) I don't really the correct way to achieve that in T3 in combination
10:50:54 <denis-fluid> with the fluid powered template.
10:51:45 <randomresult> you can add fields to the pageproperties and i guess they can be translated as well
11:17:43 <denis-fluid> In the past this was done with templa voila and configuring this editable part in the general ts page template.
11:17:48 <benjamin_654> what about using a content-record (headline) which is located in some storage folder and rendered by using its uid and the vhs render view helper?
11:17:50 <randomresult> @denis-fluid then place the stuff into your LocalConfiguration ( bjo3rn ? )
11:36:04 <denis-fluid> @randomresult @bjo3rn I have added the AdditionalConfiguration.php now to the typo3conf folder with the following content. I hope this is correct: https://gist.github.com/DenisMir/3f207a21aee9e8e0e276
11:36:50 <denis-fluid> But to be honest I don't know what I do at the moment. :-) What do those pageoverlays do. I think I have to read into the T3 documentation. :-)
11:37:42 <randomresult> i add stuff in additionalconfiguration like this $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename']= 'Myname';
11:38:21 <xaver> translation was always OK - some changes in identifier, but it always worked
11:38:48 <bjo3rn> caution: you should add the fields, not replace them
11:39:00 <denis-fluid> bjo3rn: yeah I thought so. :-)
11:39:30 <randomresult> bjo3rn can you post an example?
11:40:52 <bjo3rn> denis-fluid fyi: translation overlays are additional records for content elements or pages in other languages than the default language. if configured t3 will look for an overlay record and replace values in the original record with those from the overlay
11:41:10 <bjo3rn> randomresult no, never used that ^^
11:45:37 <bjo3rn> xaver see denis-fluid's q about overlay records and how to configure them for fluidpages
11:46:15 <xaver> denis-fluid: its possible, but you need todo it yourself
11:46:28 <xaver> page configuration is for configuration and not for Text and stuff
11:47:47 <denis-fluid> xaver: Yeah. I just thought about the problem of having text on the page that is not content but needs to be editable and translatable in the backend.
11:48:48 <xaver> add a new TCA or create the tables for overlay. I tsted it once and it worked. But i prefer TCA
11:51:08 <bjo3rn> pages_language_overlay is there by default, isn't it?
11:51:47 <bjo3rn> ah, you mean the columns, right?
11:51:50 <denis-fluid> randomresult: I have add the fields you suggested now. But what's next now? - https://gist.github.com/DenisMir/3f207a21aee9e8e0e276
11:52:09 <randomresult> make a translation and look if it works
11:52:30 <bjo3rn> I think you'll have to add the two columns to pages_language_obverlay as well
11:55:52 <denis-fluid> randomresult: I have added a translation to the root page but I don't get where the input fields for the added page property should appear. I'm sorry that I can't describe it a bit better. :(
11:58:54 <randomresult> you have a tab pagelayout and pageconfiguration
12:49:02 <denis-fluid> randomresult: Ok I was at launch. :-) I have a tab pagelayout which is configured to use the page template that includes the pageconfiguration fields. When I switch to the tab Page Configuration I can see the the field that I added in the templates "configuration" section.
12:50:16 <denis-fluid> Now I have added another language to this page and edited the language specific page settings.
12:50:52 <denis-fluid> In this settings I can't found the input field to be available for translation.
12:51:08 <NamelessCoder> if you wish to make the template selection and page options fields translatable, you must add them to the list of page overlay fields in the install tool
12:52:51 <NamelessCoder> it is not done by default because the general use case for template selection does not specify one template file per language, and page configuration fields' use cases should focus on setting variables that affect the rendering and use LLL labels for truly translatable "fixed text" type output.
12:52:58 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: I have done this. https://gist.github.com/DenisMir/3f207a21aee9e8e0e276
12:53:26 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: the problem with fixed text is that it can't be edited in the backend.
12:58:20 <NamelessCoder> I think there's also some SQL you must add but since I'm not sure, I won't guess. Perhaps another user has the hard facts for you
12:58:29 <denis-fluid> Ok. And what should happen when I add this. And where can I check if the configuration got set correctly? I still can't find the fields to enter the translation :D @NamelessCoder
12:59:48 <NamelessCoder> denis-fluid sorry buddy, this is where my experience with this runs out (because I follow the best practices I stated above, always). All I know is pageOverlayFields and possibly needing to make TCA and SQL for page_language_overlay to actually store those values.
13:00:02 <NamelessCoder> the last part is the one I'm not sure about - please ask someone who knows for sure.
13:00:17 <danilobuerger> are we talking about localizing page configuration?
13:00:17 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: No problem. :-)
13:01:07 <danilobuerger> denis-fluid while i tried to do it, i eventually figured if you are trying to localize page configuration, you-are-doing-it-wrong-TM
13:01:27 <denis-fluid> danilobuerger: So what would be your approach to have text in the page template that should be editable and translatable in the backend. (not from the xlf in the extension)
13:01:49 <NamelessCoder> danilobuerger exactly my point ;) it's just not supposed to be done that way
13:02:02 <denis-fluid> Yeah but what is the correct way to do it. :D
13:02:11 <denis-fluid> I'm a beginner so bear with me.
13:02:15 <NamelessCoder> denis-fluid we have to start at "why would you need this?"
13:03:29 <denis-fluid> Well because we often got the request to make it possible to edit menu headlines from the backend. But without changing the extension.
13:03:35 <NamelessCoder> I understand the need to have the text translatable, surely - but why editable? Is a selector offering X number of possible translatable labels not enough?
13:04:00 <danilobuerger> you could abuse the subtitle or abstract field for that ^^
13:04:07 <NamelessCoder> and these headlines must have completely dynamic values?
13:04:26 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: Ok a selector would be an approach I haven't thought about.
13:04:51 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: Yeah this would be perfect to have it completely dynamic. (dynamic text value)
13:05:00 <NamelessCoder> denis-fluid a selector + LLL in output is a great option, also makes everything more strict (for example you can predict the length of such titles)
13:05:54 <NamelessCoder> there are other ways of course
13:06:08 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: What would be the other ways?
13:06:20 <NamelessCoder> why stop at letting them change the title - why not let them use content elements above the menu?
13:06:38 <danilobuerger> if you cant use a available field like subtitle or abstract, you could also just add a field to the pages table via tca
13:07:57 <NamelessCoder> denis-fluid if you need the field to be treated specially in ANY context - for example when indexing pages using indexed_search or solr or others - you need to add this as an actual field in TCA, with SQL definition.
13:09:18 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: To make this content would be the best approach I think.
13:09:35 <NamelessCoder> seriously, there's such a heap of ways you could achieve this that it all boils down to how much does your user need in flexibility. For optimal flexibility and compatibility: do what danilobuerger says; add the field as a new field on the pages table and use this value.
13:10:32 <denis-fluid> NamelessCoder: Yeah ok I see. I will see what works best for me here. Thank you very much you all helped me a lot.
13:11:38 <NamelessCoder> that way can be done fairly easy: 1) define an additional column in your grid, 2) render the content above your menu using a combination of v:content.get, f:if to check the content retrieved and v:content.render with contentElementUids argument to render if found, otherwise default. 3) decide whether you want to have such content inherited and if needed, add "slide" argument on v:content.get.
13:13:20 <NamelessCoder> there's one pitfall if you enable inheritance: you can't reset the title unless a new content element is created which sets a new title equal to the default; if default is then changed this causes inconsistency.
13:14:48 <NIMIUS|johannes1> Is it possible to check in the template, if there is content inside our content area?
13:15:13 <NamelessCoder> NIMIUS|johannes1 see my reply to denis-fluid ;)
13:42:31 <randomresult> denis-fluid i dont think so. would be interessting to know. even if it is possible to hide fce for some users
13:43:29 <denis-fluid> randomresult: Yeah that would be awesome. So I could make the content columns with the editable fixed text invisible for normal editors.
13:53:38 <denis-fluid> randomresult: Who could know that?
14:00:32 <denis-fluid> Or what is the best approach to do language selection in the fluid powered template context? (sr_language_menu would be the approach we did in the past)
14:04:29 <denis-fluid> randomresult: What is your favorite approach to render language selection?
14:05:12 <denis-fluid> My first idea was now to use something known like sr_language_menu and just render the cObject with https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/fluid/master/CObjectViewHelper.html
14:06:05 <gbod> denis-fluid: What about <v:page.languageMenu/>
14:07:06 <randomresult> i used some TS menues as well. i dont like extensions to build me simple menus
14:07:07 <denis-fluid> gbod: :( I skipped it while scanning through VHS. I hade v:page.language open :(
14:07:33 <denis-fluid> randomresult: Yeah that's why I asked. I want to have as less extensions as possible.
14:09:38 <gbod> denis-fluid: Why did you skip it? It's exactly what you need afaik
14:19:35 <denis-fluid> gbod: I tried it out now. And get an german flag which links to "http://typo3-fluid.local/en/uebersetzung/uebersetzung-unterseite/"
14:20:23 <denis-fluid> But I assume that this is just a configuration error on my side :-)
14:37:29 <denis-fluid> gbod: Hmm weird behavior. I don't get why "en" gets rendered in the german path. (I don't know if it has to to with cooluri)
16:51:26 <drlimbo> where i can edit the available "sizes" in the new Typo3 "View-Module" (Preview Page)? <- i think the view module comes with FluidTypo3 or is this a core feature?
16:54:57 <danilobuerger> drlimbo view has nothing todo with ft3
17:00:09 <denis-fluid> I got a problem with the v:page.languageMenu helper. English is the default language and german the second language. Being on the homepage I get "/home" and "/de/home-deutsch" which is correct. When switching to the german page I'm getting in the menu "/home-deutsch" and "/de/home-deutsch". So the english url is pointing to the german url path but without the "de" prefix. I don't know if this is a problem of CoolUri or the helper. Does someone
17:00:10 <denis-fluid> use CoolUri and got this working? (I will try out RealUri later on as well)
17:02:07 <danilobuerger> denis-fluid the view helper works fine, its probably a cooluri problem, (i use realurl)
17:02:38 <denis-fluid> danilobuerger: Do you know the main differences between cooluri and realurl?