[TASK] Add profiling sponsorship badge to README

[TASK] Add profiling sponsorship badge to README
NamelessCoder 2024-07-26

[BUGFIX] Jump through ridiculous hoops imposed by inconsistent TYPO3 …

[BUGFIX] Jump through ridiculous hoops imposed by inconsistent TYPO3 behavior

DataHandler will call two entirely different sets of methods when copying
a page vs. copying a different record. One impact of this difference is that
the record used for resolving a FlexForm DS will not contain a UID when
copying a page. Combined with how page templates are inherited in Flux
this results in a strange behavior where DataHandler would copy any
relations (files etc.) defined in the FlexForm but would not remap those
copied records to belong to the copy of the original page. The source
of that problem is that Flux is unable to return a DS because of the
incomplete input record.

The above only happens when the page record does not itself select
a page layout to use for the specific page. It only happens for inherited
page layouts.

Because of this, Flux has to introduce a special case when building the
FlexForm DS, to check if we are working with a page record. If we are,
we read the page layout configuration from the rootline using the "pid"
of the input record.

Close: #2146
NamelessCoder 2024-07-14

[BUGFIX] Fix file field transformation in preview view

[BUGFIX] Fix file field transformation in preview view
NamelessCoder 2024-07-14

[FEATURE] Add extension config to produce unique file field names

[FEATURE] Add extension config to produce unique file field names

TYPO3 has a limitation (one among many) when dealing with with FAL
references within FlexForms. The field name saved to sys_file_reference
is unique to the DS but not unique to the parent field name context.

Usually we would solve this by extending foreign_match_fields but
someone in their infinite wisdom decided that as part of the automatic
TCA migration wizard that rewrites type=inline with FAL to type=file,
the foreign_match_fields setting should be destroyed and type=file
should not have any support whatsoever for this kind of advanced
relation criteria.

We are therefore left with only one option: changing the field name
of the FAL field to include the parent field name as prefix. This new
extension feature enables that behavior.

Unfortunately this means that file references are stored in a completely
different way which is not compatible. Changing this extension setting
will effectively orphan all existing file relations. You should therefore
never change this unless you are setting up a new site, or you plan to
migrate all your existing file relations (updating sys_file_reference to
set a new fieldname value for every relation matching your set of FAL
field names throughout all templates).

Note: the prefix is automatically handled when using transform="file"
and other file transform types. But if you use other means of resolving
the FAL reference you'll need to manually specify the prefixed version
of the fieldname when fetching file relation records.
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Improve a couple of test cases

[TASK] Improve a couple of test cases
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Regenerate ViewHelper documentation

[TASK] Regenerate ViewHelper documentation
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Update XSD schema

[TASK] Update XSD schema
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Make minute change to ViewHelper docs

[TASK] Make minute change to ViewHelper docs
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Demand specific bugfix release of VH docs generator

[TASK] Demand specific bugfix release of VH docs generator
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Update XSD schema

[TASK] Update XSD schema
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Make minute change to ViewHelper docs

[TASK] Make minute change to ViewHelper docs
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Demand compatible version of VH docs generator

[TASK] Demand compatible version of VH docs generator
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[TASK] Update XSD schema

[TASK] Update XSD schema
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[FEATURE] Add ability to protect values from changing when inherited

[FEATURE] Add ability to protect values from changing when inherited

Use `protect="1"` on fields to render a wizard check box which when
toggled on, protects the current value of the field from being changed
when the value changes in a parent record.
NamelessCoder 2024-07-13

[BUGFIX] Prevent visible errors if Flux is asked to parse a malformed…

[BUGFIX] Prevent visible errors if Flux is asked to parse a malformed FlexForm identifier

Close: #2150
NamelessCoder 2024-07-12

[BUGFIX] Render "unused" content area only for page-level grid

[BUGFIX] Render "unused" content area only for page-level grid

Close: #2164
NamelessCoder 2024-07-12

[TASK] Fix code style issue

[TASK] Fix code style issue
NamelessCoder 2024-07-12

[BUGFIX] Allow transient caching of dynamic forms

[BUGFIX] Allow transient caching of dynamic forms
NamelessCoder 2024-07-12

[TASK] Improve test coverage for transformation suite

[TASK] Improve test coverage for transformation suite
NamelessCoder 2024-07-12

[TASK] Avoid triggering PHP deprecation notices in a couple of tests

[TASK] Avoid triggering PHP deprecation notices in a couple of tests
NamelessCoder 2024-07-12