Gist title Gist summary

FAL Image placeholder until first saving with display conditions


FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent

Hides FAL forms until first saving and displays a message.

Google Maps with Flux/Fluidcontent

Content, ViewHelpers

FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

Implementation of Google Maps with one or more markers. When having multiple markers, the bounds are fit to them.

A marker can have a title (is shown as marker tooltipp and in info window), a text (is shown in info window), an icon (standard, chooseable or uploadable).

More configuration options are: Zoom level, map center, map type

SQL to rename a TYPO3 Provider Extension

Content, Pages, Provider

FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages

If you are in the need for a one liner to migrate all EXT:fluidpages based page layouts and EXT:fluidcontent based fluid content elements because the provider extension has got a new name (for whatever reason) use these SQL commands

EXT:ke_search fluidcontent Indexer



This adds a new indexer configuration type to the ke_search extension.

With this configuration fluidcontent elements can be indexed.

Using allowedContentTypes for Fluidcontent


FluidTYPO3.Flux, FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Fluidpages

This is an example to show how you could specify a fluidcontent element as only allowedContentType

HTML5 data attribute with JSON data


FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

As the title says. Builds the html Object like: id="#s1043" data-test="{"myVarName":"1"}"


Here output was quoted but jquery read it without problems and it's validating.

Fluidcontent - Two columns FCE



Code for creating a FCE for displaying content in two flexible width columns.

Allow/deny Fluid Content FCE's in columns



This will help you to "allow" or "deny" a FluidContent FCE in a flux:grid.column.

The gist will only allow the FCE "HeaderSlideshow.html" in Header-Colum (colPos=1) and not in Content-Colum (colPos=0).

CSC: HTML wrapper for specific fluidcontent type


If you use css_styled_content and need to override the default container for a content element of type fluidcontent_content, you can achieve this using tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap.cObject. This Gist goes one stage further and compares the name of the actual Fluid template being implemented to allow a more specific wrapper.

Gallery FCE as example how to use FAL images

Content, ViewHelpers

FluidTYPO3.Fluidcontent, FluidTYPO3.Vhs

This Gallery FCE is a example how to use FAL images in Flux Content Elements.