TypoScript based Flux settings for plugins

This snippets shows you A how to define flux settings via TypoScript for your frontend plugin and B how to use the controllerAction ViewHelper in such a scenario.

Description TypoScript based flux settings for an FE plugin (esp. controllerActions)
Author wikipeter
Creation date 2015-01-21T11:04:11.000Z
  1. FluidTYPO3.Flux
  1. Provider
  1. ext_tables.php
  2. FluxSettingsProviderForMyPlugin.ts
// enable pi_flexform for flux via typoscript on FE plugins
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist']['myextension_myplugin'] = 'pi_flexform';
view raw ext_tables.php hosted with ❤ by GitHub
plugin.tx_flux.providers {
myextension_myplugin {
tableName = tt_content
fieldName = pi_flexform
listType = myextension_myplugin
extensionKey = Vendor.MyPlugin
form {
fields {
switchableControllerActions {
label = Plugin Mode
name = switchableControllerActions
type = controllerActions
extensionName = Vendor.MyExtension
pluginName = MyController
actions {
MyController = list,accordion,show
subActions {
MyController {
list = show
accordion = show
requestUpdate = 1